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F E L I X // C H A N G B I N

It has been going on like this for weeks, I'm hating it. It feels like I'm his little doll. Playing around with me, not caring if it affects me or not.

His fangirls have been threatening me too. Saying that he is giving me too much attention, and that I don't deserve any of that.

I started to skip school more and more, my family started to get more worried. So they tried to 'help' by sending me to school, every day, like as if I was in kindergarten.

That only made everything worse, people started to call me childish names. Luckily I still had Jeongin with me, I don't know how I can ever repay him.

Soon the bullying not only became verbal but also physical. Today was one of those days.

¨I'm surprised your parents didn't abort you.¨ He said as he kicked me in the stomach, me already laying on the floor. Not making any noise, knowing that if I do say something. It'll only become worse.

I hear someone running over and yelling at them. I open my eyes one last time before I pass out. Was that Changbin?

I woke up in a weird room, this doesn't look like the nurse's office. I shot up, that hurt, after I heard the door open. ¨You're awake, good.¨

¨Please don't hurt me.¨ I cover my face as the person comes closer. He slowly touches my arm, trying to move them away.

¨Hey, Hey. It's ok. It's just me, Jeongin.¨ I quickly pull the boy in my arms for a hug. ¨Woah, calm down there.¨ He giggles.

¨You scared me. Don't do that ever again, okay?¨ I look at him and smile. ¨Why am I here? What happened?¨ I asked.

¨You are here because I knew that the nurse would tell your parents, and I know that you don't want that. And some little shits were beating you up.¨ He answers while stroking my hair. I frown as the memories came back.

¨Wait, where is Changbin?¨ I look up at the wide-eyed boy.

¨I didn't think you'd remember that, well sweety.¨ I smile at the nickname, I really like that one. ¨He actually was there first, he wanted to bring you to the nurse. I saw him when he was halfway there, and I took over. But bad news...¨

He looks down, taking a breath. Before looking up again with a smile. ¨He wasn't sure about me, so we are now at his house.¨ I frown at his words.

¨Why would he care?¨ I say a bit too loud. Jeongin shrugs, but after not even one second he gasps.

¨Maybe he likes you.¨ He says in a singsong voice. I scoff and look away, feeling my blood rush up to my cheeks.

Does he like me?

Wait, stay ~ ChangLixWhere stories live. Discover now