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F E L I X // C H A N G B I N

Felix and I have been going on quite a few dates, I was already planning on asking him to go a step further.

It's going to happen tonight.

I was in class, planning how the date is going to go. I already had many scenarios in my head, but bad thoughts also joined in.

What if he's going to reject me?

What if he is going to laugh at me?

I shake my head, trying to remove those thoughts. I get startled by the bell, letting everyone in the school know it is time for lunch. I quickly stuff all of my books and pens in my bag and rush to the door.

Once I see Chan I call his name trying to get his attention. He smiles once he sees me.

¨Hey, bin. How are you doing?¨ He swings his arm over my shoulders, I let out a big sigh.

¨Honestly, not great. I've been wanting to ask Felix to go a step further, but I'm stressing and over-thinking too much.¨ I say while softly slapping my cheek.

¨I know it's going to go great, have you seen the way the boy looks at you? No, but I have. And I know he is going to say yes. Trust me.¨ I smile at his successful attempt to try and cheer me up. ¨But tell me, where are you asking him? I wanna know all about it.¨

I start to tell him my plan,

not knowing someone was listening.

Wait, stay ~ ChangLixWhere stories live. Discover now