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F E L I X // C H A N G B I N

I was waiting for Changbin to return and got really excited when I heard the door open.

But a pout formed on my lips when I realized that it wasn't him, it was Chan. He walked over to my still body and held my hand. Even in my ghostly form, I could still feel the slight warmth from his hand.

¨Hey Lix, I hope you're doing alright. I just came here to check up on you.¨ I nodded, knowing he couldn't even see me.

¨I just have to say, please wake up.¨ Chan slightly chuckled, ¨Wow, I am talking to an unconscious person. Well better continue then.¨ He took a deep breath.

¨Ya know, Changbin had a pretty dark past. Trust me when I tell you the man has been through hell. His life was never the best. But when he found you, I swear he had found his peace. He was happy. When he looked at you all you could see was love and adoration.¨

Chan slightly teared up, ¨So please, wake up. I can't stand to watch my best friend go through all of that again.¨ Chan stood up and laid his warm hand against my cheek, ¨Wake up, prince.¨ He leaned down and slightly kissed my forehead.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't, my current state wouldn't let me.

Chan walked to the door and looked back at the bed, ¨Hope I'll see you soon.¨ He whispered before leaving the room.

I crashed onto my knees and stared hopelessly at the door, again waiting for my Binnie to come back.

Wait, stay ~ ChangLixWhere stories live. Discover now