Oh Deer

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The Irish elk was grazing on the undergrowth, the grass not yet revealed due to the presence of the white velvety blanket covering the forest floor. Amaruq eyed the doe cautiously, waiting for the signal of the party leader along with his fellow party members.

They had been tracking the herd for the last couple of days when they had finally gotten a break. A lone doe had broken itself from the group to browse in the forest. The perfect opportunity for the hunting party to attack.

At the leader's signal, the rest of the hunters slowly marched forward. However, when they got closer, Amaruq noticed that there was something else there with the doe; it was a small fawn!

Knowing what will happen if they continued the hunt, Amaruq leapt out of the bushes in front of his comrades, "Wait!". This of course, had the added effect of frightening the doe and her fawn, which loped away back to the safety of their herd in a more open field somewhere.

After watching them run off over his shoulder, Amaruq breathed a momentary sigh of relief. But it was broken by mutters of "Nice going, Amaruq", "I hope you're happy" and others from his party-mates as they brushed past him. He glanced at them questioningly, as if he wasn't expecting them to be this irked about it. Shaking his head clear, he quickly followed them so as not to get left behind.

Amaruq loved a walk in the woods. Even if the taiga here aren't too populated with trees. The snow under his mukluks barely made a sound as he marched over them. It wasn't a secret that he used footwear, or even needed them. None of the others in his tribe did but Amaruq didn't mind. Being different made him feel... special, in a way. That's what his dad told him too, so it must be true. He was so wise, especially in his son's eyes.

Before he knew it, they had arrived at the encampment, a clearing filled with huts and tupiqs. Amaruq walked past the central bonfire bed and to his family hut. He didn't seem to notice the glares his tribe-mates gave him as they told the people waiting for them what happened. He lifted the flaps at the front of his hut and proceeded to load off all of the equipment he brought along for the hunt. He did so leisurely as he was in no rush. His dad wasn't home, but that was normal. He was probably off at his craftsman hut, making new weapons for the tribe. When Amaruq was left with only his clothing, a simple parka and pants, he heard someone call his name.

Glancing out of his hut, he saw one of his tribe-mates, Sipetti. "The elders want to see you. They have already gathered and are awaiting your presence", he said bitingly. Sheesh. Some people can be so grouchy. Nonetheless, Amaruq knew how serious this was and nodded, expressing to the messenger that the order was received.

Amaruq knew he was in trouble, and he was going to get it now. He slowly trudged to the tribunal hut. Once outside, he swallowed his nervousness and knocked on the wall beside the curtained opening. "Enter", came a deep voice from inside. He gulped again before entering.

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