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All they had to do was escape. Which was pretty easy. "Wait," he said to his black friend before transforming into Amaruq Solar and standing up. He walked to the wall opposite of the cell door and stood in front of it. Charging energy through his fingers, he shot a laser beam at the wall. He rotated his arm at a 360° angle, creating a hot circle in the prison wall. Once the circle was complete, he became Super Saiyan and eased the circular slab of stone to the ground. Now there was a hole in the wall which showed the outside world. It was still morning, but the short shadows outside indicated that it was nearing noon. "Let's get out of here," he said. They had to get out before anyone noticed.

Everyone stood up, except for the vegetative man. Fair enough. Amaruq walked up to him. "Hey, Kamak?" He said gently. "Kamak~" he drew out the second syllable, prolonging it. This time, the man slowly looked up at his face after a few seconds. Success! He knew he could do it. He extended his hand to the man, an offer to pull him up. After gazing at his face for a while, Kamak's eyes and head turned downward to stare at the hand. Amaruq held it there, but after a few minutes of staring and nothing else, he realised that that was as far as he could get so he softly held the man's hand and pulled him to his feet. Err... paws. "Come on," he said to the rest and they got out of the building.

Once outside, he let go of Kamak and clicked the mode button on his watch. Once the faceplate came up, he turned the dial until he found the clock symbol and pressed it down. In a flash, he became a walking talking robot-like person made of golden metal, with black stripes and a transparent piece of orange glass on his chest, revealing the gears inside of him. He put his hands in front of him, the clock key on his head turning. Suddenly the circular slab on the floor glowed yellow and was levitated. It returned to its spot in the wall and the line disappeared. Taggak and Atsuguk were shocked, their eyes wide. It was as if there had never been a hole in the wall in the first place!

"How'd you do that?" Taggak asked, befuddled. "Oh, zat? Klockvork has ze pover to kontrol time. I just refersed ze time here. And voila! Good as new," Clockwork explained. Being a chronosapien, of course he had the ability to manipulate time. He also had a German accent, apparently. He then put his hands in front of him again, aiming at the police station. Suddenly, the whole building was engulfed in a yellow bubble. Nothing seemed different besides that, though. "What did you do this time?" Now Atsuguk asked. "I slowed the passage of time around the compound. That way, we can return the cape, get supplies, sightsee and skedaddle before the cops can say 'Oh no, they've escaped!'," Amaruq clarified.

"I'll get the cape," he continued before changing into Thunderstorm. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared and then reappeared just as quickly, the only indication he ever left being a trail of red electricity. The first step being done, they began to walk through the island town. "So... where are we going again?" The youngest of them asked. "We're heading to 'Iolani Palace, the royal residence of the rulers of Hawai'i since Kamehameha III. It's in the capitol district of downtown Honolulu. Which means we gotta skip two islands down," the alien answered. It should be easy, seeing as they've travelled thousands of kilometres before this. So they walked across the island, travelling via dirt roads.

If they weren't on a mission, Amaruq would've stopped and take a look at the environment around them, seeing as they passed through many forest reserves of Hawai'i. In the meantime, he had a series of thoughts. Like always. He was currently thinking about his dad. His dad and his mom. Did they have children before him? Why didn't he have any adoptive siblings? Maybe that's why he was adopted. Because his parents didn't have children of their own. "By the way, Amaruq." "Hmm?" "How'd you know that the man, er... Kamak would respond when you called his name?" Atsuguk asked, interrupting his friend's thoughts.

"Well, actually I noticed it before that. When Taggak-" the mentioned wolf glanced at him, "said that you were worried for your family and our pack back home, I saw Kamak's eyes look up for a split second. It was like he recognised one of the words but then immediately forgot," he tried to articulate. It was so momentary, had he even seen it right? He looked to the beige man himself. Like before, he had to be led by the one of the trio by hand since he normally stood still... Except he didn't. "What?" Amaruq muttered to himself. Kamak was walking along with them, albeit his gait was slower and unsteady. Like some kind of non-biting zombie. "Has he been walking alone since we started?" He asked.

"Oh. Guess he did. Good for him!" Atsuguk cheered which made the eldest roll his eyes. Why was that even worth celebrating? They could walk too. Who was this guy anyway? Besides having unresponsive wakefulness syndrome, did he also have amnesia? How did he get captured by pirates. Asking him probably wouldn't yield any answers. Before long, they arrived at Kapa'a Beach, on the north side of the Island. Unlike the beaches before this, this one was a rocky one, with gravel and pebbles everywhere. To the sides of the beach were nothing but tall, imposing cliffsides and rock exposure. The two waited for their bald friend to do his thing as he walked up to the shoreline.

He surveyed the waters, the waves and the rocks. "Easy peasy," Amaruq Ice said as he went back to the group, who were confused. Why did he come back? Ice put his hands to his sides and spread his palms. Atsuguk was about to ask what he was doing when the ground rumbled, the vibration knocking down rocks from their vantage points. Slowly, the quartet were raised high up from the ground by blue water. Ice had made a Wave Surfer! Atsuguk was a little wobbly, so he stood on his fours and looked over the edge of the wave. It wasn't that high up, but it sure felt like it was. Kamak had a look of alarm on his face, yet still managed to appear distant and unemotional.

"Is everyone okay?" Ice asked, to which he got two positive answers and one neutral answer. "Alright then," he said as he commanded the wave to move. As the wave left the rocky beach and descended upon the ocean, the bottom merged with the seawater, but somehow still moved on it as if it weren't connected. Wait. How could they stay on this wave without sinking in it or becoming wet? Atsuguk was sure that if they fell into the ocean, they would 100% get wet. So how did this wave work? Maybe it was one of Amaruq's powers, making solid water. The man's powers were pretty mysterious and full of surprises for the 16 year old wolf.

The trio enjoyed the breeze blowing in their faces and billowing their clothing. Without their fur, the two wolves might have felt a little bit cold. They were only wearing one layer of petal-thin cloths after all. Taggak with his open vest and shorts and Atsuguk with his shirt and also shorts. Ice expertly manoeuvred the wave over the clear waters, the tropical Sun shining above them. It was so clear, he could see fish swimming underneath. "Ooo~, was that a humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa?" He asked no one in particular. "A haamee na what?" Atsuguk asked. Was his friend having a heat stroke? "It's a fish. Actually it's the official state fish of Hawai'i. Anglos call it the reef triggerfish," Ice clarified.

Leaving the fish behind, they soon arrived at a beautiful sandy beach. It was the perfect place for a holiday getaway. The clear shallow waters and the extra-fine biogenic sand offering lots of activities for the tourist. But alas, they were not here to have fun. Well... not yet, at least. Amaruq could see a large military base somewhat distant from the beach. He guessed that that was Fort Kamehameha, the US Army's way of making sure the nearby port was safe and secure. "Fun fact: Pearl Harbour of O'ahu is the biggest port in the Sandwich Islands, despite O'ahu being the third largest island," he said to his friends who actually understood him this time. With no time left to waste, they headed to the town, called Honolulu.

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