Of Birthdays and Families

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Atsuguk was relieved. He had done all his chores for today; Mopped the floor and polished the masts. Now, time for a good old rest. The door to the captain's quarters swung open as he stepped into the cabin. No sooner had he done that, he heard a shout. "Surprise!" There, in the light of the sunshine streaming in from the open window, were Quake, Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Taggak and Kamak. Cyclone had in his hands a white-frosted cake with red icing. Atsuguk didn't know what to say. Therefore, he just stood there gawking in surprise like an idiot. "Happy belated birthday!" The three aliens cheered. It was true that they were late, but that didn't stop them from trying to celebrate it anyway.

The birthday boy was at a loss for words. "You... you guys..." he trailed off. They remembered. They actually remembered! He could see the smiles adorning their faces. Even Taggak. They were happy for him. Before he knew it, his eyes were beginning to wet. "Is something wrong?" He heard Quake say, voice laced with concern. "No, nothing's wrong. This is great!" He said, managing a smile. It had been so long since someone wished him a happy birthday. Not since his mother forgot. The looks on their faces seemed to say that they did not believe him at all. "No, really guys. I'm fine!" He assured them. He really wasn't sad at all! Did he look that bad?

"Well, then, let us eat cake!" Cyclone invited everyone. He didn't like the mood to be so dour. Thunderstorm brought out a cake knife and proceeded to cut everyone a slice. They began eating and chatting, forgetting about the little scene earlier. All except for Kamak. When his plate was handed to him by Thunderstorm, he only held it and did not touch it one bit. Cyclone decided he would have to be spoon-fed later. They continued the festivities for a while, talking about anything at all that came mind. Amaruq's powers, childhood stories and reminiscing their past experiences together on the trip. All too soon, the cake had run out.

The cake had been made by Amaruq. He took the opportunity to buy the supplies needed while they were at Hawai'i. That was partly why they had to celebrate the birthday late. The second reason, was that they couldn't really have done it on the real date, seeing as they were working hard on the merchant ship. The pastry could be considered a pride of Amaruq. No one else in their tribe could bake bread, not to mention a cake. It was a good one too, a strawberry cheese cake. Cheese was nowhere to be found back home, seeing as it was made of milk, an extremely rare commodity for wolf packs. Unheard of, even.

It was getting late and the three escorted their charge to his room down below. Once he was sitting on his bed, the trio left the room. However, when Taggak was at the doorway, he was stopped by Amaruq's soft hand on his chest. "Pardon me, Taggak. But we need you to give him his meal tonight," he said. The politeness in his voice was evident, seeing as he was talking to his senior. "What? Why me? You two always do it," the black wolf argued. Why the sudden change? "Atsuguk and I have much to discuss. Since your involvement isn't required in the discussion, we need you to help feed Kamak. He hasn't eaten since noon" Amaruq explained. The poor guy must be starving.

He wanted to argue some more. It wasn't a matter of dignity or whatever. Far from it. He respected people who took in and took care of other people in need. But he didn't think he could do this. He just wasn't empathetic enough. "But how could you have a team meeting without me? I'm the navigator!" He protested. Amaruq shared a glance with his friend. "Nah, we got this. You just do this selfless task. It's really not that hard," he said. Without further ado, they had already left him in the cabin with the older male. His only means of escape shut in front of him. So near physically, but so far responsibly. Curse his lack of disobedience!

He closed his eyes and sighed. Turning around, he saw that Kamak was still on his bed, staring at the wall. Next to him was a bowl of stew. Wasn't that from lunch? Guess there was extra. He resigned to his fate and hesitantly walked towards the unmade bed. He sat next to the mute. The man's beige fur was well-groomed, as opposed to the unkempt look it had when they first found him. Amaruq must have washed him really well at the river. Maybe he used that 'soap' thing he invented. Or was it 'shampoo'? Taggak couldn't remember. That kid made a lot of stuff. It was admirable, really. Not even the angakkuq made as much stuff.

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