So That's What Moneybags Look Like

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After much time travelling, the trio finally made it to Pile-of-Bones. The aforementioned pile of bison bones laid next to Wascana Creek. After staring at it for a few minutes, Amaruq asked, "What now?" "We resupply and continue on our way. Maybe sleep here tonight if it gets too late," came Taggak's reply. Being the oldest and most mature of the bunch, he was often the one calling the shots. They headed to the town not far from the stream. "Hey, you there," Taggak pointed to an apple vendor. "Where can we get supplies and provisions?" he asked. "Yeah, we're not from Pile-of-Bones," Amaruq added. "Pile-of-Bones?" The vendor said incredulously.

"You really are not from around here. And I'm guessing you also don't read the news. Our community was renamed Regina by Princess Louise, the Duchess of Argyll", he elucidated. "Renamed after her mother, Queen Victoria, I presume?" Amaruq asked back, although he didn't need an answer. "Ah, so you're not so behind the times after all." Amaruq thanked the Solar in him for studying everything while they were travelling. "Anyway, you could always get-" the vendor's sentence was cut off by a loud BOOM! coming from behind the corner. The trio rushed to investigate.

Smoke was coming from a building while a couple of wolves were coming out, hauling bags into a horse-carriage. "Someone's robbing the bank!" A citizen cried out. So that's what moneybags look like. The wolves jumped into the horse-cart before their getaway driver reined the horses into moving. "Shoot. They're moving fast. Speaking of which, they probably have those gun thingies. You guys stay here," Amaruq told the other two, worried for their safety, knowing fully well just how dangerous a bullet is. Time had helped heal his old wound, thankfully. "Amaruq  Cyclone!"

He took chase, following the carriage through the town. Once he was close enough, he aimed a few small Cyclone Spheres at the vehicle. The spheres collided with their target, however it only managed to wobble the cart. "What the-?" One of the wolves asked. He looked outside and saw Cyclone flying above the vehicle. "There's a kid outside! Flying!... and he's bald!" He told his accomplices before taking aim with his gun. Ignoring the robber's rude comment, Cyclone evaded all the bullets aimed at him. He stuck his tongue out at them before dropping to the ground.

Meanwhile, Cyclone's friends were still near the bank. "Dammit!" Taggak cursed. "I hate feeling so... useless!" He said. Atsuguk patted his shoulder. "There, there," he said. He understood what the wolf ten years his senior meant. They were supposed to be one of the best males of their pack. But, when in the presence of Amaruq and, to a lesser extent, these modern technologies, they were way out of their league. "Well, we can still help him. I know a way," he consoled. The black wolf looked at him, waiting for the answer.

As the criminals sped off, Cyclone transformed into Thunderstorm, who got on his mark. "Lightning Dash!" He raced after them, streaks of red trailing behind him. He summoned his Lightning Swords, readying his arm before swinging heavily. His blade managed to take out two of the cart's wheels. The carriage went careening and the horses set free. The vehicle then toppled over, their occupants tumbling out. "Huh!" Thunderstorm scowled at them. "Eat this... Thunderstorm Swipe!" He swiped at them, electrocuting them to disorientation.

It was then that his companions entered the scene. He looked at the two and the authorities right behind them. The authorities and the town sheriff cuffed the criminals and took them away, to send them to the reformatory. Thunderstorm watched the going-ons aloofly, keeping watch just in case the robbers tried any funny business. When they were gone, he turned his attentions to his compadres. "Good job. That was some quick-thinking you guys did, to bring the authorities into the question," he acknowledged their work. Atsuguk brushed off the complement, blushing. "Bah," Taggak huffed. It was nothing for him. And it still paled in comparison to what the elemental did.

Thunderstorm turned back to normal before asking, "So... where do we get the food?" Taggak and Atsuguk glanced at each other.

They went back to the street vendor. "So, how can I help you again?" The chubby wolf asked. "Yeah, we'd like to buy some food. But from all the stalls, not just you. We'll have-" "Wait!" Amaruq was cut off. The trio looked behind them to see a well-dressed man jogging towards them. "Hmm?" "Hold on," he said as he breathed heavily a few times. After he was done, he explained. "I saw what you three fine young men did. And I want to thank you for saving my bank. As a reward, I will pay for whatever supplies you buy," he said matter-of-factly. The two wolves did not know how to respond. Such kind behaviour wasn't common back in their pack. They could only reply with an awkward "Thank you." "Neat!" Came Amaruq's reply, which made the other two look at him.

After they had bought everything they needed, they rested for the night at a hotel which was also payed for by the bank owner. It felt nice to sleep on a bed. Amaruq must build himself one once they got back. It was just too good. He had already studied their plans so he knew how to make one, maybe even upgrade it. Meanwhile, Taggak had gotten information from the bank owner on which route to take next. He had asked on a way to get to Mexico whilst also passing through Denver for a pitstop and the grateful man had suggested they take the U.S. 87.

They slept early for an early rise tomorrow. It would be their first time crossing countries.

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