I Don't Know, But It Has Such a Big Foot

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They were standing in Regway, near Lonetree Lake and West Coteau Lake. Nearby meaning 7 kilometres. Taggak and Atsuguk did not really needed to stop, but Amaruq Blaze had wanted to. He was trying to milk the moment. The moment, that he would cross an International border. Honestly, the other two didn't understand. They had no qualms entering the United States. It was merely another territory. They've crossed into many other territories before. This was just a bigger one. "Okay, okay. I think I'm ready," Blaze said to no one in particular. He ran towards the imaginary line but stopped short, skidding.

"Ah, I can't do it!" He said frustratedly. "Just do it already!" Growled Thunderstorm, also frustrated. Blaze yelped and crossed the border instantly, startled by the older elemental form. "That's more like it," Thunderstorm said as he crossed with Solar close behind and their two teammates as well. "Why do I have to record this, anyway?" Solar grumbled. This wasn't an important scientific discovery or anything. It was inconsequential. As they walked on, they saw a construction site not far from the border. "Hmm? What's that?" Atsuguk asked. Solar scanned the building with his visors.

"It seems they're building a US Customs and Border Protection - Raymond Port of Entry," he summarised. When the others just look at him more confused than ever, he passive-aggressively explained, "It's a station where they inspect you for illegal goods, passports and such". That didn't explain very much to them either, but they just let it slide. Solar and Blaze went back into Thunderstorm and became normal Amaruq. The trio then continued their journey to Denver. It might take a while.

On their way, a couple of days later, there was a meet-up with a mysterious creature. The trio were in the badlands of Makoshika at that time to rest for the night. They were watching the fire in the middle of their camp. Amaruq (mostly his Solar part) was thinking of the weapon he found out was much more powerful than guns. The chemical that exploded the bank, nitroglycerin or 1,2,3-trinitroxypropane. The locals had called it 'dynamite'. Amaruq had never seen any weapon that rivalled his powers. Even if it only rivalled the Level Ones. 

He was deep in thought when a sound alerted the trio. It sounded like tumbling gravel. "What was that?" Amaruq asked. His teammates' canine ears were more sensitive than his, swivelling in the sound's direction. "It sounds like a large animal. But it doesn't smell like anything we've met before," Taggak answered.   They silently agreed to sneak on the creature. They crept to the mesa behind them and took a peek together. There, scrounging around was a tall animal, easily a head taller than any of them. It was very hairy. It almost looked like a very hairy and big Amaruq. "Hey, it kinda looks like you," Atsuguk joked, but was silenced by Taggak.

The thing looked up and saw the trio. It panicked and beat its chest with its giant hands. "What is that anyway?" The youngest asked. "I don't know. But it has such a bigfoot," Amaruq pointed out. The ape really did have big feet. It roared which made them ready their weapons. They attacked together to overwhelm the ape, poking with their spears. They were able to push back the beast further and further away from the camp. While attacking it, the animal suddenly made a heavy swing towards Amaruq. Amaruq's eyes widened but he was not fast enough. He was hit, backhanded by the large ape. He spiralled through the air and landed a good distance away with a skid. "Oof!"

"Ow..." he groaned as he rubbed his head. He watched the other two keep attacking the beast, trying hard to actually land a hit on it. They did manage to hurt it many times, though, each jab punctuated by a cry of pain from the ape. The more Amaruq watched, the more he felt sorry for the beast. But they had to do this..... wait. Who said so? No one did. They didn't actually have to fight it. He looked at how far they had chased the beast and realised. They hadn't chased it away, it was leading them away. Because they were in its territory! It didn't want them here, that's all. It didn't want them dead!

"Amaruq Thorn!" He jumped in front of the big footed creature and summoned some thick vines to tie it up. Once it was restrained, Taggak went in for the kill, only to be stopped by Thorn's "Wait!". The two looked at him, confused. "It doesn't have to be this way," he said as he walked closer to the tied up ape which struggled against its restraints. When he touched its fur, it stopped, too shocked to do anything. He stroked it, "It's okay. You don't have to be afraid of us," he said comfortingly. "We're not here to make enemies. We're just passing through," he continued. The ape somehow relaxed noticeably, much to the befuddlement of the other two. Atsuguk just shrugged when the elder wolf looked at him.

Later, they were at their campsite again. Only this time, they were accompanied by the big ape. Amaruq Solar had decided to call it Sasquatch from a Salish word which meant 'wild man' since he resembled Amaruq but more beastly in appearance. The ape was eating some of the fruits that Amaruq had. He decided to share some of it since the Sasquatch looked so hungry when they first saw it. The other two just accepted this befriending as just one of 'Amaruq's weird things he does'. In the end, they still fell asleep like always, accepting that the ape wasn't a threat anymore.

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