The 'kidnapping'

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"BEFORE, we get into this!" Mei half yells- "I found a way for Midoriya to watch with us"

"He will be able to watch but it might cause him to be tired"

A groan is audible as Izuku's bodies shifts in the chair, "I'll be fine, pulling all-nighters finally helps me in some way,"

Izuku slowly gets up and takes a seat in front of the screen, the headset still attached to his head.

"Midoriya please refrain from pulling all-nighters, us UA students have a reputation to uphold." Iida waves his arms in front of Izuku's face, Izuku responds with a smile,

"It's fine Iida, I've never fallen asleep in class before and it was to study. It was for a good cause in a way."

Iida contemplates his options, "alright, but you must go to bed before 12"


The 'kidnapping'

The name struck fear in the hearts of the people present. Midoriya being kidnapped? Preposterous, UA couldn't have let another student be kidnapped after the training camp, but titles never lie.

All staff and students sat in anticipation, waiting for the screen to start.

"Let's hope" Midnight speaks in a small whisper which is only audible to the teachers, "this doesn't get too graphic"

"Wa-what" the room is pitch black, with the only light coming from a desk lamp. Izuku yanks his arm only to find he is strapped to a chair. He scans the room looking for a hint of where he is. In front of him is a table, it is worn and the paint is peeling off.

"Oh it looks like I'm kidnapped," Izuku has little emotions in his voice and the others realize this.

Ojiro is the first to mention anything, wanting to know why. He has never heard Izuku speak with such little emotion, "Has this happened before? Why are you so nonchalant?"

Suddenly, as if a switch was turned on in Izuku's brain, he starts waving his hands rapidly. "NO no no, I was never kidnapped before-" he speaks with much for emotion in his voice, "when I get tired I tend to act nonchalant but really I'm panicking inside, sorry!"

Ojiro looks in Izuku's direction and gives him a warm smile, "Just wanted to know if you were ok"

Papers are suddenly slammed down and a low voice is heard. "Do you know why you are here?"

"Wow, this is getting right into it," Looking over his shoulder, Kaminari found candy.

"Yeah, let's hope this isn't too bad," Jirou looks over to Kaminari and steals some of his candy.

"Hey, that was mine!"

"Not anymore"

Izuku looks at the screen intensity, "that voice sounds familiar"

Izuku struggles in his seat, trying to escape. Out of nowhere, he gets an idea, he mentally slaps himself for being so stupid. Activating his quirk he attempts to break the restraints, only to find it has no effect.

"HA, you really didn't think of that before, you're useless, Deku,"

"Bakugo don't be so mean to Midoriya" Uraraka glares at Bakugo, who scoffs in response.

"You can't escape-" the voice pauses- "Now do you know why you are here?"

Izuku suddenly speaks out, saying the words before he can stop himself, "N-no, I have no idea. You won't ge-"

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