•Chapter three•

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The morning comes quicker than I would've liked.

I get up from my bed, enjoying the feel of the cool dawn breeze on my skin. I look outside and see the sky a beautiful light shade of blue with a faint outline of a crescent moon.

I lightly pad across the room towards the bathroom and I wash my face. I walk outside to the now awakend palace. Moving over to the weaponry shed I take out a bow and arrow. Nothing really special about that. I go to the stables and turn to the stable guy, Niko.

"Hello, Niko, I'm in need of a horse," I say. "Got anything I might like?"

Niko shows me a brown and white mare with a beautiful black mane. Stroking the horse, I turn back to Niko. "Thanks, I'll bring her back soon."

I walk Mona– as I'd decided to call her– to a clearing in the woods south east of the palace. I used to come here a lot when I was younger and had first been brought here.

Mona's already been saddled up. I try and fail to mount her but I end up falling on my rear. Ok I'm going to try it once more and if I fail that's it! I swing my left leg across the length of the horse and try to balance my self. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to do that and I slide off on the other side of the horse. I mentally prepare myself for the fall, expecting a big bruise on my temple. There was a suspiciously sharp looking stone positioned on the ground in a way that it looks like someone knew I was here and knew I would fall.

Just before I hit the ground strong arms catch me. I immediately know my attacker is male. No, I didn't judge by the diamond hard muscles in his arms if that's what you were thinking.

  My assasin training kicks in and I swing my right elbow into what I hope is his face. He immediately releases me and I fall to the ground in an ungraceful heap. I quickly stand and bring both of his hands behind his back, pulling them hard.

He yelps in pain and I grind the rows of my teeth against each other. “Who are you and how did you find me?”

He doesn't answer. Instead, he maneuvers his hands under mine and grabs the base of my palm, tactfully applying pressure to the vein there with the tip of his thumb. I let go for a second and unfortunately for me a second is all he needs to take out his dagger. He attempts to stab me and I jump to the side, my hands frantically searching for my arrow.

He tackles me to the ground, straddling my hips with his dagger to my throat. How many times will I have sharp objects on my throat?

“I'm sorry, el cariño, but I would like to go home in one piece,” he says.

I find it really disturbing when absolute strangers call me names like sweetie. It's not a bad thing to do, but seriously you don't even know me, I could be a serial killer for all you know. That's not far from the truth but you get the point!

He looks at me expectantly, like he wants me to say something and I raise my eyebrow with an irritated expression on my face. He casts his gaze upwards for a second and he drops his hand, the dagger leaving my throat with the movement. He glances down at me and gets off, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Do you always walk around with a dagger?” I ask.    

He helps me up. “No. Do you always go around trying to beat people who are kind enough to save you from falling off a horse?”

I cross my arms across my chest and scowl. “That's oddly specific and no, I don't.” 

His eyes glimmer with amusement and he bows slightly. “In that case, hola, I'm Paul. And you are?”

I look at Paul's pale white skin, a stark contrast to my dark one, brown eyes and mop of black curls. “Marisol.” I say, shaking his outstretched hand.

He gestures to Mona and grins. “Well, Marisol, would you like to learn how to mount a horse properly?”

“I think I can do something as trivial as mount a horse, thank you very much,” I say, rolling my eyes. 

He tilts his head to the side and purses his lips. “Well then,” he says, “go on, get on the horse.”

Little twit!

I attempt to mount the horse. The keyword being attempt in that sentence. I almost fall when sturdy arms catch me and place me back on the ground. This time I don't try to take out his eye with my elbow. 

Paul feigns surprise. “Goodness! I would've assisted you, la chica,” he says, “if only you'd asked.” 

I scowl at him and cross my arms. “Could you help me mount my horse?”

“Nicely,” he adds.

I roll my eyes and glare at him. “Can you please help me mount my horse?”

Paul looks pleased. “See that little pedal?” Paul points to the stirrup, “it's called a stirrup. That's where you put your foot to balance yourself then you swing your other leg and sit on the horse. Oh, don't forget to hold the reins, it helps you maintain balance. Very simple. Do you want me to demonstrate?”

I nod.

Paul places one of his feet on the stirrup and grabs ahold of the reins. He swings his long legs across the length of the horse and turns to look at me, a smirk dancing on his lips. “As I said, very simple. Now you try.”

Paul gets off and I successfully mount Mona. I turn to look at him, doing a mental happy dance.

He glances up to the sky and I follow suite, noticing the orange sunset. His gaze lands on me. “La chica, I'm afraid it's time for me to leave.” He bows. “Til we meet again.”

I nod, watching as the sun goes down and the darkness swallows him.

Hey guys it's me again. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I wasn't feeling inspirational. But don't worry I've got a plan for that.  Anyway, before you leave, could you please click that little star at the bottom of your scren. It helps us authors a lot. Also, feel free to drop a comment. See you soon😊



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