•Chapter four•

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I stare at Hemmington, mortified. The old bat just accused me of theft.

I was seated on the opposite of Hemmington in a room that looked like an office but had many seats- where the king judges cases.

"Your majesty, if you permit me to speak,"

The king nodded curtly.

"I was not anywhere near the quarters of lord Hemmington, your grace, nor did I steal his late wife's collection of jewelry along with her ring."

Hemmington turns to me, his eyes wide with shock and in a haughty tone he says, "Do you accuse me of lying, asesina?"

"I am simply defending my stance, sir."

The king sighs softly. "Asesina, Marisol, I'm afraid you do not have enough evidence to support your claim."

"Your highness, please, I'm speaking nothing but the truth."

"Marisol, how could you? You could have taken any of her jewelry and yet you chose her wedding rings. To matters worse, you took her rings which I held dear in addition to the collection you already have. Never have I ever seen seen a heart much crueler." Lord Hemmington said quietly, his eyes sorrowful.

"Is this true, lord Hemmington?" The king inquires.

"Your majesty, I am wounded that you think me capable of lying in a situation like this," Hemmington says with what I think is unshed crocodile tears.

Ok now I'm stumped. I have zero idea what is going on and the fact remains that I haven't stolen anyone's jewelry much less it belonging to Hemmington's late wife.

This whole ordeal started about a week ago when I was continuously being sent on errands by Liam, and Liam's quarters so happens to be near Hemmington's. It was on one lazy afternoon when most of the nobles were asleep when, apparently, that rude maid in charge of Hemmington's quarters suspected I was up to no good. And so she- being the saint she was- told on me to Hemmington. And then when his wife's ring coincidentally goes missing both he and his servant put two and two together and boom! Here I am trying to defend myself against Hemmington before the king.

"Marisol," the king announces harshly. "I declare you guilty of theft. I am dismissing you off the Assasins team. If you are going to take advantage of the fact that you're a respected assasin then I might as well relieve you of your duty. If you somehow put things right with lord Hemmington...I might consider giving you back your badge."

The assasins badge for us females isn't exactly a badge, it's a collection of specific items that identifies us as assasins. There haven't been any female assasins before that's why our badges are pieces of jewellery. Our predecessors and more respected fellow assassins who were and are men had actual badges with the royal family crest.

So for each person is different. Alexa has her earrings which are actually small bombs. And I have my ring along with a black bracelet. My ring is a laser gun. And my bracelet is a communication device. They're very inconspicuous but if you look close enough they have the royal family crest. Jane has her necklace which is a recording device and a microphone at the same time. Dolly has her comb which is a taser.

One of the servants steps forward and takes off my ring and bracelet as I stand, frozen in shock.

The king leaves with Hemmington on his heels. The servant exits and I continue to stand in the abandoned room, confused at what just happened.
Blood is starting to ooze out of my scratched arm. I hiss in pain as I use my other arm to block an incoming attack. "Thanks a lot, Dolly."

Dolly gives a sarcastic smile. "You're welcome."

We continue our deadly dance, with the sound of metal in the air and the rush of adrenaline in my body. Dolly pins me down easily.

The playful expression on her face dissolves. "You're distracted. What is it?"

"Son of gun accused me of theft and now the king took away my badge. Said I might get them back until after I put things right with Hemmington."

"Is this why you've let me beat you so easily? Seriously, if this is how weak you're going to be everytime something comes up then I think it was a good idea for the king to take away your badge." Dolly says almost quietly. I reeled as if she head yelled at me.

I stare in disbelief at the red head in front of me. Was this supposed to be one of my closest friends? Aren't friends supposed to support you wen you need it? I guess not this friend. Can I even call her a friend?

Dolly turns and stomps away. What is wrong with today? First, Hemmington, now Dolly. I pull on my hair so bad it starts to hurt. I start running in the direction of the woods where I met Paul for the first time.

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