•Chapter six•

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I woke up in a dark room. No it wasn't a room, it was the back of the infamous double carriage. It was like a regular carriage with horses, a place for the footmen to sit to steer the horses and a compartment for the passengers. Just that this one had an extra compartment.

Yesterday came back in an instant and I remembered how after I'd made myself vulnerable to Paul–the one thing I swore I'd never do– I felt a sharp pain and... Oh. He had drugged me.

Behind me, I could feel my fists trembling with rage. I wanted to shove my fist down his throat. No. Before I did that I needed to try and get out of here. I tried to focus, taking a deep breath to calm myself.

I was going to have to remember all my training if I was going to get out of here alive. The people here could be taking me to some secret place to use me as a blood sacrifice or something. My life was not in my hands anymore and I didn't know how much time I had left.

Right now, there was a lot of things I didn't know, regarding what was happening. But one thing was for sure, if I ever did get out of this not exactly pleasant situation, I would make sure Paul had a crooked nose.

I stilled. Heavy breathing and footsteps accompanied a low English accented voice. “Where are we going?”

A voice which could only be Paul's answered, “North west.”

The first voice came again. “You're going to have to be a bit more specific.”

“Canada,” Paul said, his voice calm.

“That far?” said the man with the accent. From all the way over here I could see that the guy implied that they didn't have the resources to get there, considering Canada was across the sea.

It seemed Paul caught that. “Don't you think I know that! There's a reason I'm the leader here.” Paul took a deep breath, levelling his voice. “Go check on the jewel. Make sure it's in good condition.”

As I heard footsteps drawing near, I quickly closed my eyes and tried to calm by breathing but this was the time my mind decided to replay everything that happened. The bottom line is, I was caught.

Unfortunate, really. I opened my eyes and stared at the man in whatever dignity I had left. He was clean shaven as opposed to Paul. He had bright green eyes and blonde curls.

He looked good.

Too bad I'm not into kidnappers.

He came down to my level, a smirk on his lips. “You're not as bad looking as I thought.”

I glared at him. I was gagged so I couldn't really make a witty comeback. I thought through my not exactly perfect plan. If I could somehow get him to feel something for me for example, pity–no matter how much I despised it– it could somehow make him untie me. This was one of the lessons I learnt back at the palace. Emotional manipulation. Cruel, I know. And Paul had been the first one to do it.

The stakes were really high. It was either he'd be a big softie, the plan would work and he'd untie me or he'd have a deep resolve and wouldn't break easily. 

He patted my cheek. “I'm Drew.”

Judging from his eagerness to be on a certain level of trust with me, - the person they're kidnapping - I'd assume the former.

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