•Chapter seven•

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I turned my head in the direction of Jane's voice.

"Anything?" She asked.

I shook my head. Marisol had been missing for a full twenty four hours now and with every passing hour–scratch that–minute I was going crazy.

I meet up with Jane, a pensive frown on my face. "Who was she with last?"

After a moment, Jane's face lights up. "Her friend! Paul!"

Paul? If he lays so much as a finger on her...

Jane raised an eyebrow as if to say I know what you're thinking. "Paul's not like that. You heard it from Marisol herself."

"You can't exactly blame me, can you?" I said a bit more harshly than intended.

What's that saying? Everyone's guilty untill proven innocent? Something like that.

I'm honestly sorry for that but it's Marisol and her safety we're talking about. She's practically my sister! Oh God please let her be okay!

"Alexa," Jane said and placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. "We'll find her."

I look into the sky and release a breath from my mouth. I nod gently.

Our search for her is far seems hopeless, but no. I could never give up. Not on her. 'Cause I know she'd never give up on me.

I take a deep breath.

Hold on, Mari. I'm coming.

A very stupid move on his part-- going into the woods.

It didn't exactly matter that I don't really know this part of the forest in particular. Ok it kinda did but the woods were my turf. Most of my time as an assassin was spent in the woods. We studied plants and flowers. We had to know which ones were poisonous and which ones weren't. The whole ultimate survival shebang. Basically, we could put the author of Survivor 101: Surviving in the woods to shame.

Brute, as I'd decided to call my kidnapper, sat my rear on the ground, legs joined together in front of me and tied with a sturdy rope. He also took away all of my weapons.

Smart man.

Brute wrapped my torso around a tree with the same rope.

He looked at me, and in a thick Scottish accent he said. "Stay here."

I snorted. "It's not like I'll be going anywhere anytime soon."

In an instant, he crouched to my level holding my chin a bit too tight for my liking. "Watch out, girl--."

He cuts himself off. He freezes for a moment then he shakes his head, moving deeper into the woods but not before he gives me a bone chilling glare.

I wasn't exactly affected by it. 'Cause, you know. I get kilograms from Liam and Hemmington.

It wasn't long before Brute came back.

"Ah, missed me?"


He was holding a log in one arm and and a bundle of firewood in another. He placed the log he was holding down and proceeded to start a fire.

"Thought a wee black girl like me wouldn't be able to protect herself, did ya?" I tried the Scottish accent.

Silence accompanied by a stern glare. Probably pissed at my sorry excuse of his homeland accent.

"So," I said, "probably should've asked this a long time ago but why did you kidnapped me?"

Some more silence. His burly arms stoking the fire he made.

I tried again."Why did you kidnap me from the people who kidnapped me?"

That must've did it. "Kidnapped you?"

Yay me.


He glared at me."What do you mean?"

"I don't need to answer that if I don't want to," I pointed out, "plus, I don't exactly trust you."

"What do you mean 'kidnapped you'?" he growled.

"Well since you put it so nicely," I signed. "So I had this friend--"

"Get," he said darkly, "to the point."

I shivered, and it wasn't because of the breeze. I decided to plague him no more...yet.

"My friend, Paul––"

"Paul? Paul what?"

"What does his last name have to do with--"

"Last name?" he repeated.

I paused. That my give one the impression that I didn't know the last name of the 'friend' I'd had for four weeks. If you guessed it, you are correct.

"I uh," I said, "don't exactly...know."

Brute's eye twitched. "What does he look like then?"

"I don't think that's necessary." I snapped. Paul may have hurt me in the worst way possible but I was going to be the bigger person(mainly to gain sympathy. I'm not that stupid!) and not exactly forgive him but protect his identity.

He speared me with his cold gaze. "I wasn't asking."

I was suddenly aware that we were alone in the woods and there wasn't a single soul for at least fifty miles. No one to hear me screaming if it came down to him spearing me. And not with his eyes.

After spilling Paul's appearance to Brute, he tensed for a minute. But then, it could've been my imagination. Guilt washed over me. I didn't really want to sell that kind of private information to a stranger(kidnapper) so technically it wasn't my fault. Though...if Brute did find Paul and spear him just a teensy bit(a LOT), I wouldn't really mind.

Ah, revenge really would be a dish best served cold on a silver platter.

Hey guys I'm feeling really hyped right now because I'm finally getting this book on the right track and things are starting to fall into place. Don't forget to vote unless out want Brute to spear you too! Also don't be shy to drop a bomb...I mean comment! Ha.ha. Tell me what you think of it. Did you notice anything different in the writing style? Anyway have you seen that new cover! I could NOT stop admiring it. A shout out to @-_-creativity-_- !

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