<Get to know my Narnia Side> tag!

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My three favourite Narnia books:

1. The Last Battle

2. The Horse and His Boy

3. Prince Caspian

My ranking of the Narnia movies:

1. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

2. Voyage of the Dawn Treader

3. Prince Caspian

(Prince Caspian is actually my favourite, but I'm ranking them by sticking to the book.)

My four favourite Narnia characters:

1. Aslan (of course!!)

2. Caspian *heart eyes*

3. Ed *heart eyes*

4. Pete *once again, heart eyes*

I have been in the Narnia fandom MY WHOLE LIFE (that's what comes of being the second to youngest)

My favourite Narnia quote is:

"Are you sure you're eighteen?" "Why do I look older?"

I was nominated by: Nobody!!

I nominate:






Thanks for reading!!

Toodles, Hodophile_Sandhiller

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