For Gina

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Dear Gina,

It has been wonderful getting to know you these past few weeks! You shall always be my 'twin', and I hope we never lose touch!! Here are a few poems about friends for you Gina.

-A Peculiar Bond-

It isn't the red ribbon that binds us together.

The root that unifies us, does not derive from a tree on a wall.

This bond knows no genetics.

Friendship is a peculiar seed.

No matter the season, the weather, nor the time of day.

When planted on a nourishing soul, it will always bear fruit. ~Clairel Estevez

-A Prayer For My Friend-

Dear God, please give this fabulous, fantastic, faithful friend abundant love and laughter, and blessings without end. "You have put gladness in my heart." Psalm 4:7

Oh what a joy it is, to have a friend like you

For giving me strength, the way you do

For lifting me up, when I'm feeling down

For putting a smile on my face, when I'm wearing a frown

Thanks for being there, and helping me grow

Your friendship means a lot, this I'd like you to know. ~Unknown

 Love ya girl! (I am not ashamed to say I was crying while writing this. Gina, you are the bestest friend anyone could ever hope for.)


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