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Tagged by Ms_Spammy35 

1) Full Name:

Dorothy (Dottie) Danielle Johnson (pen name)

2) Zodiac Sign:


3) Three Fears: 

Heights, Loss of family, not being ready when Jesus comes.

4) Three Things I Love:

FOOD, My family, Jesus

5) Four Turn On's:

He loves Jesus, has a nice attitude, and of course good looks. (Not saying turn ons. Just attraction)

6) Four Turn Off's:

(Same as #5) Hmmm. I can't think of any.......

7) My BFF's:

Hannah *irl* Ally *irl* Audrey *irl* Parker *irl* Gina *irl and on here*

8) Sexual Orientation:

I was born a lady, that is how God made me, and that's how I'm gonna stay.

9) Best First Date:

Never been on one. Unless you count my brothers.....

10) How Tall Am I:


11) What Do I Miss:

Huh? I miss a lot of things.

12) What Time I Was Born:

12:17 PM

13) Favourite Color:

Ahem. Blue, Grey, and Green. The colors of the sea.

14) Do I Have A Crush:

Of course I do. IRL I won't say. Celebrity though..............Ben Barnes.

15) Favourite Quote:

"My prayer is that when I die, all of hell rejoices that I am out of the fight." -C.S. Lewis

16) Favourite Place:

Like a happy place? The lake or my bedroom with the lights off.

17) Favourite Food:


18) Am I Sarcastic:

Of course not! *being sarcastic*

19) What Am I Listening To Right Now:

Up All Night by One Direction

20) First Thing I Notice When Meeting New People:

Their smiles

21) Shoe Size:

81/2 or 9

22) Eye Color: 

Bluey Grey

23) Hair Color:

Dirty Blonde

24) Style of Clothing:

Jeans or denim skirt with t-shirt

25) Ever Made a Prank Call:

On my sibs yes

26) What color underwear wearing:

Ya think I know that?

27) What's my URL:


28) Favorite Movie:

Don't do this to meh. Right now............................Gods and Generals

29) Favorite Song:

Hmmm. Burn the Ships by forKing&Country

30) Favorite Band:

forKing&Country & One Direction

31) How do I feel right now:


32) Someone I love:

My family

33) Relationship Status:

Well, the church is the bride of Christ so I guess I'm taken? *eheh*

34) Relationship with Parents:

I love them so much.

35) Favorite Holiday:

Easter Sunday

36) Tattoos and Piercings:

Earings and that's all

37) Tattoos and Piercings I want:

I would like a nice arrow tattoo at some point

38) Why I joined tumblr:

I haven't

39) Last Book Read:

Exciting Times with the Moody's by Sarah Maxwell

40) Do I ever get good morning/goodnight texts:

Yes! From anonymousjesusfreak

41) Have I ever kissed the last person I texted:

Nope. And proud of it!

42) When did I last hold hands:

Probably prayer meeting. Nope. We were babysitting yesterday and the little 3 year old held my hand to cross the street.

43) How long does it take me to get ready in the morning:

About 30 minutes

44) Have I shaved my legs in the past three days:

Nope. But I need to

45) Where I am right now:

The arms of Jesus

46) If I was drunk who would take care of me:

My family. But hopefully I'll never be drunk.

47) Music loud or a reasonable volume:

Either. It depends on my mood.








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