Book Diary #4 - Rilla of Ingleside

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(If you haven't read this book, I suggest you stop reading NOW.)

Read: 1/19/20 - 1/20/20

Title: Rilla of Ingleside (Anne of Green Gables #8)

Author: L.M. Montgomery

Publisher: Bantan Books by Harpers Collins Publishers

Notes: The cool thing about this book is, it's the only one that she wrote mostly first-person shooter. I cried more than ever. When Jem & Jerry join up, when Walter joins up, when Walter dies, when Jerry & Carl get wounded, when Jem is reported MIA, when they get Jem's telegram saying he's alright, and finally when Jem comes home after the war. And they set everyone's place at the table, even the one who would never sit there again, Walter Cuthbert Blythe.

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