Tagged by @WriterNMarie

78 12 31

1) Who tagged you?


2) Birthday?

August 11

3) Favourite?

Don't do this to me!  Right now, hm.................Ember's End from The Green Ember Series.

4) Favourite Musical Genre?

Broadway Musical, Celtic.

5) Height?


6) Weirdest Dream You've Ever Had?

Ok. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride. About 9 years ago, shortly after my older brother had gotten engaged, I had a dream about Batman. He was coming after my brother and his fiance because Matthew (older brother) had been working for him, and now that he was getting married he wanted to leave. Batman was trying to convince him not to leave. And then it got really weird with aliens and stuff. *perfectly understands that Batman is a villain* *even though she's never seen any of his stuff*

7) Favourite Book on Wattpad?

Seeds of the White Tree by  GreenScholarTales

8) Favourite TV Show?

Stargate: SG-1

9) Unpopular Opinion?

Cross-Stitch is easier than school.

10) Favourite Ice Cream Flavour?

Blue Bell's Chocolate Cherry

11) Favourite Song?

Hymn: The Old Rugged Cross

Other: I will not be forced to decide.

12) Favourite Movie?

Big Hero 6

13) Favourite Quarantine Activity?

Cross-Stitching. Even though it's what I do all the time.

14) Leo. Which is great, because when I hear 'Leo' all I can think of is 'Leo the Lion' which then leads to me thinking about Aslan.

15) Favourite Quote?

-Then the sun shines and flowers bloom and the wind blows friendly once more, and my soul awakens with the coming spring and shakes off its gloom and dares to breathe and hope and soar, and as the seasons change, I, too, find myself coming alive and being born anew -Sarah /my older sister\

16) Favourite Candy?

Skittles or Air Heads.

17) Happy Place?

In my room, in the dark, or in the bathroom.

18) Favourite Book Character?

Jo Shanks from The Green Ember Series

19) Favourite Movie Character?

Tadashi from Big Hero 6

20) Favourite TV Show Character?

Major Charles Kawalsky from Stargate: SG-1






Hope you all have a great day!!!

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