Chapter One

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Cory, Topanga, Shawn and (Y/N) are in the cafeteria at John Adams High getting their lunch.
"So, Shawn, what are you doing after school today? Got any time for your best friend?" Cory questioned as soon as they sat down.
"Sorry bud" Shawn smirked. "I got a date tonight."
"Oh-ho-ho." Cory chuckled. "Who might the girl be?"
"Jennifer Basset." Shawn smirk.
"Hey, what happened to Audrey Carver?" (Y/N) asked, sounding offended.
"(Y/N) you couldn't have forgotten about Shawn's two week rule." Cory said.
"Really, Shawn? That stupid two week rule?" Topanga asked, disappointedly.
"Wait, what two week rule? I don't know anything about a two week rule." (Y/N) sat up straight in her seat.
"It's this stupid thing Shawn does where he goes out with a girl for two weeks then he breaks up with her." Topanga said.
"Shawn, that's horrible and disgusting. You're such a pig." (Y/N) stated angrily.
"Hey, it's not like it's affecting you. Why are you getting so worked up about this?" Shawn crossed his arms.
"Yeah, but what about all of those girls' hearts you're breaking?" Topanga looked over at her boyfriend. "Right Cory?"
"Absolutely sweetie." He then looked over to his best friend and mouthed "I'm with you buddy."
(Y/N) stood up from the table. "I think I'm gonna start getting to class."
"Hey, wait." Shawn took her arm. "Class doesn't start for like eight miutes minutes."
"I know... but... I'm-I'm just gonna go. See you in class Topanga." She grabbed her bag and left.
"What's up with her?" Shawn rested his elbows on the table and watched her leave.

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