Chapter Two

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(Y/N)'s POV
I started heading to class but I decided to stop at the bathroom on my way. I looked at myself in the mirror and retouched my hair and I started thinking. I don't understand why I was having such a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Shawn is going out with another girl. It's never bothered me before.
I turned to get to class but Topanga walked in.
"Hey Topanga." I smiled.
"Is everything okay?" she asked. "Why'd you leave?"
"I-I don't know..." I sighed. "Shawn started to talk about other girls and I just got mad. That's never happened before."
"I see." She lowered her eyebrows and she seemed like she was thinking. "Maybe you like him?"
I shook my head. "What on earth are you talking about? I don't like Shawn. I've never liked Shawn. And I never will."
Topanga gave me a smile that looked almost sympathetic.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I laughed nervously.
She walked closer to me and put her hand on her shoulder. "You like Shawm, hunny."
"I'm sorry, what?" I said, shocked. "How are you supposed to know who I like or don't like?"
"You're getting upset when he's talking about someone else, you're denying it, and now you're getting defensive. You like him."
"Topanga, I've known him since we were in diapers. If i liked him it would've happened a long time ago." I turned to check my hair in the mirror one more time and made a last minute decision to put it in a messy bun. "We should get to class."
Topanga dropped the topic. "Yeah, let's go." We walked out of the bathroom and headed to Mr. Turner's class.
We walked in a few seconds before the boys did. When they walked in the four of us sat in our regular seats. Topanga in front of Cory, Cory in front of Shawn, Shawn in the last seat in the back and me next to Shawn.
We get a couple minutes into class and Shawn and Cory have fallen asleep.
Shawn is snoring and Cory is yip yip yipping.
Mr. Turner shakes his head and presses his fingers in between his eyebrows.
Mr. Feeny walks in and stares at them for a couple of seconds, then points to Shawn. "Interesting, in my class Mr. Hunter handles the yipping."
Corry wakes up and the first person he sees is Mr. Turner. He turns his head and sees Feeny, then he looks up at Mr. Turner and sits up. "Shawn." He hits Shawns desk. "Shawn, it's both of them."
Shawn rubs his eye and then looks up at Mr. Feeny and then Mr. Turner. "Oh no, now I don't know which class I slept through."
I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. Shawn is so cute when he snores.
Wait. No he's not. Shawn is not cute. I don't even know what I'm talking about.
I looked over at Shawn and ruffled his hair. "Good morning sleepy head."
He looked back at me and smiled.
Maybe I do like him. I smiled to myself.

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