Chapter Four

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It's been a few days since Shawn and Jennifer's date. (Y/N) and Cory are talking about what happened between Shawn and his Now what seems to be his ex-girlfriend.
Topanga walks up beside Cory. "Why are all those guys talking to Shawn' girlfriend?"
"Well," he looked over at her. "Shawn and Jennifer broke up this morning."
"Look at her," (Y/N) glanced over at Jennifer "she's already on the prowl."
Topanga leaned against the lockers. "Well how's Shawn taking it?"
"Are you kidding?" Cory said, almost matter of factly. "Shawn is Shawn. You can't keep Shawn down." The three of them looked down at their friend who is slumped against the lockers on the floor. "Get up, Shawn."
(Y/N) can't stand to see Shawn in pain like this. Although. She's glad that Shawn is single again even if she won't admit it.
Shawn pouted, talking to himself. "She dumped me. She dumped me good. And I didnt even see it coming."
Cory kneeled down beside his best friend. "Look what they done to my boy."
(Y/N) crouched down next to Cory and patted Shawn's shoulder. "I hate seeing you like this Shawn."
Topanga stepped over to Shawn's other side, across from (Y/N) and Cory. "Look, Shawn, if it's any consolation, I think you good do a lot better that Jennifer Basset."
"I have to agree with Topanga, Shawnie." (Y/N) used the name she always uses to cheer him up.
Cory scoffed. "Uh, wait a minute, Topanga, have you looked at her?"
"Okay, so she's pretty, she's tall, she drives a new red convertible." Topanga paused for a couple of seconds. "Oh, heck, I'd go out with her."
Shawn started to look even more upset.
"Oh come on Shawn." (Y/N) sat on the floor next to him. "Cheer up." She looked up at Cory. "Will you talk to him please?" She looked at her watch. "I've got to get going. I'll see you later Shawn." She patted his shoulder and stood up, saying bye to Topanga and going on her way to class.
The rest of the day went on. During the whole course of the day Shawn and Jennifer got back together which made (Y/N) a little upset but it seemed to affect Cory even more. Jennifer stopped Shawn from communicating with Cory. It was getting dark out when Topanga walked into Cory's house through the backdoor with a pie, (Y/N) walking in shortly after.
"Hey guys. Is he coming?" (Y/N) shut the door after herself.
"Well dinner was supposed to be at 6:30 but clearly he hasn't shown up yet." Cory snapped.
"Hey, it's not my fault that you aren't talking to him. If i were with him I would never keep you guys away from each other." (Y/N) blushed at the last sentence, realizing what she said.
Topanga walked up to Cory. "Look, Cory, I've got to go to dinner with my parents, and you have got to lighten up, mister."
The phone started to ring.
"Aren't you going to answer that?" (Y/N) asked.
Cory waved his hand at the phone. "Oh, let him worry for a change."
The phone continues to ring. Topanga folded her arms and (Y/N) raised her eyebrows as Cory stood uncomfortably.
"Oh, who am I kidding." Cory rushed over to the phone and answered it. "Hello?"
(Y/N) and Topanga spoke to themselves while Cory talked to his best friend. Almost sounding desperate.
Eventually he hung up and he looked at both of the girls. "He doesn't even like tennis." He said sadly.
"Aww, Cory..." (Y/N) sympathetically wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Look, I wish I could stay with you right now, but I've gotta get home. My parents are expecting me." She smiled at her sad friend and gave Topanga a quick hug. "Bye guys." She left walking home her thoughts of Shawn flooding her head.

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