5- Taiyaki

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'I can't help but love you

Even though I try not to

I can't help but want you

I know that I'd die without you...


Tian searched his cupboards, he was most certainly bored and hungry. Glancing at his phone, he scrolled through his contacts. Reaching Mo's he hastily called the little redhead. He rung till it went to voicemail then proceeded to call again. and agin. and again. and..


"ah. lil momo, its rude to ignore someone you know." 

"im aware."

"come over."

"fuck off." Mo snapped.

"come over and make me Taiyaki. please?" 

"make it yourself."

"Do you want me to die?"

"kind of."

there was a muffled puase at the other end. 

"fine." Mo growled hanging up without waiting for a reply. Smiling He Tian, tossed his phone on the couch and stripped himself of his shirt as he headed to his room to change. searching the room for his black t-shirt he glanced at a photo stuck to the front of his school textbook, an angry photo of Mo. touching it briefly, he smiled. from down the hall came a knock, hurrying out Tian threw his t-shirt off .

"your suprinsly fast mo.." he smirked opening the door.

"..Tian." He Cheng glanced at his younger brother, behind him were two more dark haired hunks, their faces gloomy.

"what do you want He Cheng?" Tian snapped.  his stomach dropped at the sight of the men. 

"I want to talk." 

"fuck off." 

He Tian moved to slam the door but was thrown backwards as the door was shoved open. crashing to the floor he scrambled up. He Cheng moved closer.

"lets talk."


Mo was more pissed off than ever after the phone call, he hurried towards Tians apartment, clicking his tongue impatiently as he took the stairs 3 at a time. Tian hadn't been picking up his phone calls. It made mo worry, although he was certainly trying to ignore the feeling panic as he approached the apartment. Earlier he had seen two men leaving the building, dressed from head to toe in black. They may of just been visit the apartment block but something about them struck worry through his chest. To his dismay he found the door slightly ajar, placing a hand against it he paused for a brief second to collect his breath and prepare to meet the smirking demon once again. 

stepping inside he found himself in a familiar  scene. There were droplets of blood moon the floor, a man stood to the left smoking a cigarette, and there, lying on the ground was a bloody and bruised Tian. Mo dropped his bag, he felt his heart shatter. stepping forward he struggled to breathe.

"Tian!" he cried rushing to the others side. 

"mo." Tian groaned, his voice muffled as he spat out blood. 

"what did you do to him?" Mo stood up, fury pulsing his veins. The man seemed strangely familiar as he met mo's eyes. 

"I'll be leaving now tian." he ignored the shaking red head.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM!" Mo yelled. He Moved towards the man, but a flailing hand grabbed his t-shirt.

"don't." Tian growled. Mo dropped to his knees.

"fuck tian." he mumbled, sliding his hand gently underneath the beaten boys head. Tian struggled to sit up, Mo clutching to his arm.

"are you ok?" Tian gasped, clutching his stomach.

"what are you talking about..?"

"ARE U OK?" 

"i'm fine, you're the one that's hurt." mo stood up. "we need to clean the blood." Washing a rag in warm water, he knelt close to Tians face, gently wiping the blood from his cheek. 

"do you think you can move?"

Nodding Tian heaved himself up, clinging to Mo, they hobbled over to the couch. Sitting down Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Mo searched the freezer for a bag of peas. wrapping up the package in his jacket he tilted Tians face up, pressing the peas to the bruise forming over his lip. 

"are you hurt anywhere else?" he murmered. Tian shook his head. Pulling Mo closer towards him. 

"sit on my lap."

"no. you're hurt."

"my dick is perfectly fine thank you." 

"I wasn't talking about that." mo grumbled, but relented, straddling gingerly on Tians lap. Tian wrapped an arm around Mo's waist. Digging his head into the redheads chest.

Mo hesitated before running his fingers through Tians dark hair. Tians whole body visibly trembled. 

"your shaking." mo murmured softly.

"I thought I found a way." he whispered.

"a way?" 

"to keep you safe."

"tian, you're the one that's in danger." Mo pulled tians face from his chest. cupping the boys cheeks. Tian smiled, with a trembling hand he touched the side of Mo's face. running his thumb over Mo's cheeks. 

"I don't want to lose you." Tian blurted out, he was flustered, completely loosing it. 

"im not leaving you." Mo growled pressing his forehead to Tians. 

Tian chuckled. "you might have too."

"Im not leaving you Tian. we...we can save each other." Mo whispered. He leant closer and kissed   Tian. His lips just brushing the others. Tians chest felt as though it was about to explode. he pulled the red head closer, kissing gently back. Mo pressed fervently back, cupping Tians face. The kiss burned their souls. Mo felt he was drunk from the kiss, he Tian tasted sweet. He sucked Tians bottom lip groaning.

He Tian was drowning, Mo tasted so good, like tea and cinnamon. He found himself sliding his tongue into Mo's mouth. Mo doing the same. They kissed feverishly, causing mo to whimper Tian jolted feeling it go straight to his dick. He tugged Mo closer. Panting Mo pulled away, saliva on his bottom lip. Tian wiped it away gently, running his fingers through the gingers soft waves.

"we can save each other." Mo breathed.

"we could." Tian whispered. but doubt surged through his heart. the idea of loosing the little redhead made Tian feel nauseous. He couldn't lose the ball of red fluff. he wouldn't. 

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