12 - Chicken sauce

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Maybe it's the way you say my name
Maybe it's the way you play your game
But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you


Almost 1 month had passed since He Tian had confessed his love to the redhead. The two spent their days arguing, cuddling and kissing. The two had never advanced more that heavily groping ( on He Tians part) and making out. It wasn't that they didn't want to, it was more that Mo wasn't sure how to approach the idea of them having sex. He had never done it before and he was certain they Tian had, maybe not with a male but he sure had experience. Mo had zero, he became too easily flustered. 

He Tian had left for a few days for family business. Mo had been constantly thinking about how to greet him when he came back. He wanted to do it. But working up the nerve to even so much as bring up the subject was easier said than done. He spent evenings researching which had almost killed him after reading an entire page on how to be seductive. He was definitely  not capable of than. He could only cook. At least that's how he felt. He had worked up the nerve to arrive at He Tians apartment with a bag of groceries and his spare key.

The apartment was unsurprisingly empty and devoid of life. Since the two had started dating He Tian had been spending a lot of his time over at mo's house, due to the fact it was warm, smelt of mo and held a lot more love than his own empty apartment. It explained the out of date food piled in Tians cupboards. Grunting he emptied the kitchen, cleaning the surfaces before preparing his chosen dish. General Tso's Chicken. 

Muttering below his breath he was so focused on cooking he didn't hear the door opening nor the sound of heavy footsteps.

"What a surprise." 

"FUCK!" Mo wheeled around in such shock he flung the entire contents in He Tians face leaving him dripping in spicy sauce and uncooked chicken.

"HE TIAN YOU BASTARD!!" He hurried over, skidding in the sauce he crashed forwards. The two ended up on the floor.

"Fuck I'm sorry." Mo sat up, his legs straddling tians waist. He bit his lip, this wasn't what was supposed to happen. Hastily he wiped his eyes, he would not cry in front of this chicken dick. He Tian was in some sort of shock snorted with laughter.

"Was this supposed to be a surprise?"

"Well....yes." Mumbled Shan.

"Aw momo~" he reached up to touch his face but paused on seeing mo's scrunched nose as he tried to stop his tears.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asked concerned, the family trip had almost killed him, he couldn't wait to get back to his red ball of fluff, even if he had only been gone for three days. He had been so worried that mo would be approached by she Li or some other fucker. But here he was, on the verge of tears and covered in chicken sauce. 

"Don't call me that." Snapped mo. Sitting up He Tian cupped his boyfriends face, forcing the other to look at him.

"I missed you." He murmured, pressing his lips to shans. 

"Don't kiss me."

"Eh? Why not?"

"I'm dirty. And so are you. Go shower ill clean this up." Mo stood up avoiding eye contact. He Tian tilted his head surveying his redhead. He complied. The warm water left his skin burning but he was more concerned with guanshan. He had spent the last three days arguing with his father, his brother and the security guards. He ways tired but happy that he was home. 

The kitchen had returned to its not chicken sauce state and mo had cleaned himself. He Tian slipped his arms around the redheads waist as he wiped down the basin .

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