9 - strawberry milk

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"Shit." Mo peered at the vending machine, the sun casting golden glows inside the halls entrance. The last strawberry milk had caught his eye. He had managed to escape the clutches of his boyfriend, just thinking it sent shivers down his spine and he furiously suppressed his smile.

Earlier that morning Tian had pressed an angry kiss to mo's temple annoyed that he had to let him go to class. He had wrapped his arms around the red head in defiance, Shan had had to drag him to the class, Jian had had to unhook him so the poor redhead could escape. 

He had spent break with Tian who had clung onto him for dear life. He had spent the day in high spirits, until Tian had been called in to the administration office. Mo chewed his thumb, he couldn't decide Between a chocolate milk or a strawberry milk, but he needed to decide quick before Tian appeared. Choosing the milk he slotted in the coins and sighed with relief. It was nice to stand in then cool hallways alone. 

Leaning down to pick up the milk he was startled when a pale hand flung past and got to it quicker than he did. Furious he stood up only to come eye to eye with she li. 

"Thats mine." Mo growled.

"Strawberry milk?" She li smirked, a flush crept up mos neck. Annoyed he turned to go, she li grabbed his arm. 

"What?" Shan twisted around and watched as she li sipped on the straw his eyes firmly trained on mo's. Shan pulled his arm attempting to twist it out of she li's grip. He was tugged closer.

"Let go you ass!" Shan snarled.

She li grunted shoving mo back against the vending machine, startled he flung his hands up agains li's chest to slofies the impact. She li lent close, the straw dripping milk onto the floor. 

"Momo, you still owe me." He hissed.

"I...fuck. Fuck. I know that you psycho."

"You smell nice." She li lent closer, pressing his nose against the thin scrawny bones in mo's neck. His hand move to cup the back of his head, finger dragging through the red waves, tugging on the hair. He yanked the boys head, smashing his nose against his knee. Jolting back the redhead clutched his nose, blood spilling over his pale fingers.

"The fuck is wrong with you?!" 

Stepping back she li dumped the milk container firmly in mo's hands. 

"Huh.... I didn't expect you to whore yourself out to tian."

"You fucker."

"I think mo would be great in bed. Its just a shame you wont be there she li." Tian swung calmly towards them, his cold eyes narrowed as they flicked to mo's swollen nose. 

"Ooh... strawberry milk. My favourite." He smiled.

"He Tian." Spat she li. 

"Li li! You shouldn't be so rude." He smiled again, his eye twitching in agitation. 

She li grunted, Tian reaches forward grabbing the back of his t-shirt.

"But next time, refrain from trying to fuck with my boyfriend, or ill cut of your fingers and sell them."

She li stepped back, he spat angrily at Tian, stuffing his hands into his pockets and stalking away. 

"Babeee!" Tian threw his arms around mo, his body remained tense. Eyes firmly trained on the pale teens back. 

"I'm fine tian."

"Call me if he comes near you again."

"Shut up you fucker, took you long enough."

"Ah, why so mean?"

"I'm not mean your just dumb."

"Says the guy with the spot on the bottom of the board."

"Its not like you haven't been there." Snapped mo.

"Right, but its not like i have a designated spot down there."

"Chicken dick."

"Wow, your vocabulary is very  wide."

"Like you would Know tian." 

"I would know momo."

"No you wouldn't you fucker."

"Ah but i would, who helped you with your little tricky wicky baby math sums."

"Says the guy who cant cook chicken noodles to save his life." Shan folded his arms.

"I actually think I'm very experienced."

"Really?" Mo snickered as Tian threw his arm around the redhead. 

"Yeah, i just leave things in a pot and wander off."

"I don't understand how your still alive." Mo gingerly touched his nose.

"Because I'm awesome."

"Shut it chicken dick."

Tian laughed, wrapping his arms around the redhead, he squeezed the boy close.

"Fuck off, i have to clean my nose."

"Ah Nurse tian will save you!"

"You'd only make it worse."

"Would not!"

"Haha, yeah you would."

"REDHEAD!" Jian yi sprung forward.


"Your about 3 years late jian." Tian smirked.

"Ah i would of taken that bastard down."

Mo scoffed at that. Zhan Zheng xi yanked jian yi back by the hem of his t-shirt.

"Are you ok guanshan?" He asked calmly,

"I'm fine."

"But your nose...?"

"Its fine."

'that looks nasty." Jian yi reached out to touch it. Mo smacked his hand away.

"I'm going to the nurses office."

"We'll come with you!"

"I don't need you to do that."

"Yeah but what if she li attacks you again!" Jian yelled.

"He wont. Cause I'm here." Tian slid an arm around mo's waist smirking.

"We'll still come with you." Zhan Zheng xi nodded, his face impassive, hair blending into a golden halo in the light, matching mo's bronze halo. Tian ruffled mo's hair.

"Let's go fix that ugly ass nose of yours momo."

"Shut up tian."

"Little red ball of fluff don't be so mad."

"Call me that agin and i will cremate you!"

"Ah, big boy words." Tian snuck another hand around his waist. Mo elbowed his face. 

"Don't piss me off tian."

"Momo he saved you life!" Jian yi grabbed the redheads arm. Tian furiously nodding behind him.

"Shut it you moron!"

"Please clam down." Zhan Zheng xi stepped closer to jian yi ever the protective friend. Jian yi through his thousand year crush a simpering look, desperately yearning for more attention. Zhan Zheng xi ignored this and briskly followed mo to the nurses office.

"Is it just me or are those too in some mutual agreement that we are idiots."

"Yeah, but we're their idiots right?" Tian aimed a kick at Jian yi as they hurried after the other two. 

She li sighed, he dropped to the floor bitterly lighting his cigarette, he glanced up at the swollen grey clouds. Numbly he scraped his fingers against the concrete. He'd have to wait a little longer. 

Just a little longer.

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