18 - Tai ya

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You're only nice when you wanna be
You always leave me wondering, wondering
It's not as simple as, you and me


Mo rested his head against the bus window and sighed, his whole body throbbed as the bus jolted against the uneven ground. He had spent the past week at home being cared for by He Tian And his mother. His ribs still stung but fortunately his bruises had paled significantly. the occasional bruise splintered the skin. He Tian had insisted on carrying him from room to room, feeding him and even bathing him which Mo had strongly resisted against. 

Today He Tian had left for school on Mo's insistence that he not fall behind because of him. He had been reluctant to leave behind his boyfriend alone in the house but had eventually agreed as long as mo called him if he needed anything. it was slightly overbearing but mo knew that Tian was just worried, he was guilty. guilty that he hadn't been there to protect Shan. Guilty that Shan had suffered alone. Although he remained a resemblance of normal mo could see the guilt in his eyes, flashing silver as he smoked his cigarette, framed by the setting sun. 

Mo closed his eyes, he pressed the palm of his hand against the cold window and sighed. He was certain that something was happening between He Tian and his family. She li had warned him too pick a side. But what side? Mo jutted his chin out and glanced around the bus. It was mostly empty, an old lady carrying plastic shopping bags, a mother and child sticky with watermelon seeds. He had pulled his hood up, covering his distinctly red hair, fluffy and pale in the light. 

His phone buzzed. 

Baldie: where u at?

Redhead: fuck off, im almost there

Baldie: hurry up im freezing.

Redhead: then bring a fucking coat u ass

Baldie: k boss

Redhead: don't call me that

Sighing he shifted himself upwards, his head strained against the seat, knuckles turning white with the effort to not grunt in pain. The bus slowed to a halt, hesitantly and with strained pain Mo Guanshan exited the bus. His yellow bag clinging to his shoulder. His eyes focused on the pavement as he walked. Fingers swiping along his phone. Thankfully the streets were mostly empty allowing him to walk without the fear of someone knocking into his bruised ribs. 

His eyes searched for the beef shop, a particular place serving beef stew that Tai ya insisted was the best. It was a crummy rundown store filled with mostly middle aged men, it smelt of stew and sour alcohol. Tai ya stood outside, his cheeks bulging as he stuffed noodles into his mouth. the plastic container sagging with the contents. 

"Baldie..." he slowed to a halt and stared at his friend, sauce around his mouth,  eyes fixated on the container. "HEY ASS HOLE!" 

Tai ya looked up startled, he grinned upon seeing the furious redhead.


"shut up." Shan grumbled. "we need to look for she li." 

"why are you so desperate to find him?"

"that's my business." he snapped flicking away the spray of noodles. 

"so... we just need to find him right?"

"I need to ask him some questions." Mo's stomach tightened once again at the thought of facing the yellow eyed teen. 

"didn't he beat you up?" 

Ignoring him Mo Guanshan checked his phone time.

"we have three hours." He Tian would arrive home from school around the afternoon giving Mo a  deadline to be back by. He dint want He Tian to worry about him. Nor did he want him to know he was going behind his back to protect him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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