8 - Groceries

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Mo rolled over nuzzling into the soft sweet scent of peppermint and cigarettes. They had stayed from school after Tian insisted that he was too injured to face working, that and he desperately wanted  to stay with mo all day. 

the day was warm, the house was empty and it smelt of Mo. Smiling Tian breathed in Mo's sweet scent.  It was 12 o'clock and neither had moved from the bed. Tians bad case of insomnia had kept him up most of the night. But with Mo he had drifted into a deep sleep. Running his hands through the orange locks he bit mo's ear. Mo's eyes flew open, his entire face flushed pink as he wrestled away from the demon.

"nooo im sorry Momo!" Tian cried pulling the redhead closer, shoving his squirming body into his chest. Shan stopped struggling and huffed loudly. 

"chicken dick." he mumbled.

"im hungry." Tian muttered after a moment of squeezing the living shit out of Shan.

"let me go and ill make something." Growled mo. Tian hesitated before releasing Shan.

The kitchen was in shadow, mo lent down opening cupboards grumbling below his breath. The cupboards were unsurprisingly bare. Ducking father into the cupboard he sensed Tian behind him. His face flushed pink with embarrassment as he hurried to close the cupboards before Tian saw how empty they were. 


"I think i can make us some beef soup."


"Yeah, or maybe lotus soup."

"Mo....." Tian pulls mo round to face him. "What do you eat?"


"You know what i mean."

"I don't... or i do when i can." Shan huffed.

Tian stared at the soft locks of ginger, the pale face, hazel eyes trained on his. Lips parted just slightly. Leaning in he kissed him gently. Brushing his thumb along his jawbone. 

"Let's go grocery shopping."


"Wha...why not?"

"Because we're not some charitable case alright?" Mo snapped turning away.

"Yeah.....but i want to eat and you have no food." 

Mo jerked around his face filled with shock and anger.

"What? Thats the only way you'll listen." Tian smirked tracing Mo's lips.

"Cut it out." Shan swatted his hand away. "Fine... but you cant buy the whole bloody shop got it?" 

"Yep." Tian saluted before burying his face firmly into Mo's chest. 


The grocery shop wasn't particularly fancy, but that was because Mo had refused to enter any of the fancier ones.  Tian had eventually relented and they had closed a fairly pricey shop. Scanning the shelves they argued over most of the items.





" Cream buns?"

"No Tian, put them back."

Ignoring him Tian dumped the cream buns into the trolley. There was no way he was letting his boyfriend starve too death just because he was too incompetent and stubborn. The total was not far off what Tian bought within a month, but he didn't want to worry the already agitated redhead so was quick to stuff the receipt firmly away. The Two boarded the bus, Tian forcing Mo to sit on the outside so he could rest is head against the boys shoulder. Reaching out Tian held Mo's hand. Tightening his grip on the pale skin.

Shan glanced down his heart thumping. Squeezing Tian's hand reassuringly he relaxed back in his seat, juggling the groceries on his lap. 

The house was empty and quiet upon there return, He Tian attempted to help Guanshan with the groceries but was quickly shooed away after putting the bread in the fridge. Instead he sat and watched Mo cook. The fiery redhead always wore a solemn and calming expression when he cooked. He looked in absolute peace and yet at the same time filled with an energy.  Tilting his head Tian chewed on his lip, his eyes guiding up Mo's body. It was skinny, slightly curved around the waist with prominent hipbones that jutted out in nice angles. 

"What?" Mo dropped into the seat opposite placing a steaming bowl of soup in front of He Tian. 

"I'm just admiring my boyfriends body. What's the big deal?" He smirked.

Mo flushed at the mention Boyfriend just as Tian had expected.  Ignoring the dark head teen Shan grumbled into his soup. Tian, with little to no embarrassment, devoured the soup in seconds. 

"Let's watch something."

"You cant stay forever tian." Mo muttered, but was secretly pleased that Tian insisted on watching a game.  Flopping on the couch he patted the seat next to him. Mo ignored him and sat slumped back. At first he was surprised that Tian wasn't touching him until a warm hand slides onto his thigh. Ignoring it he focused on the basketball game. 

"Momo." Tian rested his head on Shans lap. 


" I'm glad you confessed you undying love to me."

Mo slapped Tians head earning a yelp in return, smirking he rested his fingers against the dark waves, brushing them gently. 

"Tomorrow we're going back to school." 

"I know."

"I hope you've flunked everything." Grumbled the redhead.

"Nope, I'm not like you."

"Shut it chicken dick." Mo snapped, resting his palm against Tians temple, the teen nuzzled into the touch. They stayed like that for quiet sometime till the door opened without warning. Mo stood up so fast Tian crashed to the ground.

"Honey, I'm home." Mo's mother called as she stepped into the house. Her eyes fell on Tian sprawled on the floor.

"Hello again He Tian." She smiled. "Staying for tea?"



"Yeah, I'd love to stay." Tian smiled charmingly ignoring the redheads irritated expression.

"Good. Good."


She li nipped his thumb and forefinger drawing blood, he stared at the disarray of his gang. Lent against the a wet railing, eyes cast on the floor. 

"I want you to bring it to me."

"But she li..."

"I said. Bring it too me. I don't give a fuck how you do it. Just do it." 

Thank you so much for the support!! I haven't really had much motivation the past few days. But I'm planning on trying to keep writing. Stay safe everyone!!!!

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