Chapter One

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Taehyung poured wine into a glass and smiled. "This is nice."

"I love how you made the place so romantic with the lit candles."

Taehyung smiled and grabbed the hand that rose up to his thigh. "Easy now."

"Why? I thought this was what you wanted."

"Um...I just want to take it easy and relax." Taehyung shrugged. "Is that so bad?"

"I guess not."

Taehyung glanced down at the time on his cell phone and sipped his wine.

"But I just want to say how beautiful you are. The more I'm around you the more I fantasize about kissing you and touching you."

Taehyung gave a small laugh. "Maybe one day."

A loud knock startled them and Taehyung looked towards the door.

"Taehyung, open the door! I don't have my key!"

"Who is that?" the guy looked at Taehyung who jumped up.

"You have to leave, from the patio."


"Shh! Not so loudly." He ushered the guy towards the glass doors.

"Who is that at the door."

Taehyung gave him a sweet smile. "Just my husband." He shrugged. The guy's face dropped. "Trust me, you don't want to meet him. He'll murder you if he sees you so leave while you still can. He's a mafia boss so he'll get away with it."

The banging became louder. "Are you fucking kidding me?! I know you can hear me Taehyung! Open the door."

"See his temper is nasty too."

The man paled and rushed out the glass doors. Taehyung closed the curtain, he was grateful for Seokjin's short fuse these days.

Taehyung cleaned up the wine but left the two glasses on the table. He glanced at the door and rolled his eyes before getting in the shower.

Seokjin sighed deeply and placed all his bags on the floor. He went into his backpack and searched for his key. He was going to have to talk to the landlord and see if he could hurry up and give them a passcode door instead. He wondered why Taehyung didn't come to the door this time. He found his key and opened the door, he picked up his guitar and suitcases before walking inside. His foot pushed the door shut and he looked around not seeing his husband anywhere. Not that he was expecting a warm greeting anyway.

He saw candles freshly blown out and two wine glasses on the table. He raised an eyebrow as he set his stuff off the floor.

His cell phone buzzed and he looked down at the message he received. His breathing increased and he stormed into the bathroom where he heard the shower running. He snatched the curtain back making Taehyung jump.

"What the fuck?!" He snapped before turning his back to him to wash off the soap. "What a nice way to announce you're home."

"What the fuck were you doing?" He snapped and Taehyung looked around the tub.

"Um...I think I was showering...what's your perception on it?"

"Cut the bullshit please."

"So then what was I doing Jin?" He shut the shower off and wrapped a black towel around his waist.

"You were fucking someone before you got in the shower."

Taehyung looked at him and laughed. "Whatever." He walked into the bedroom as Seokjin followed him.

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