Chapter Three

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Taehyung walked out of the bathroom and saw Seokjin packing his suitcase. He looked at Taehyung. "I'm heading back on the road. Are you going to be ok alone?'

Taehyung rolled his eyes plopping on the bed and began applying lotion to his skin. "You never cared before so don't start caring now."

Seokjin sighed deeply running his hand through his hair. "Taehyung, I told you I was sorry."

He looked at Seokjin. "You think sorry is enough? Is sorry enough for all the pain, the trauma, and anxiety I've suffered?!"

"No, it's not but that's all I can say. What more do you want me to do?"

Taehyung turned away from him. "Just leave already please."

"Well just in case you start to care , we're going to Daegu, Busan, Islan, Gyeonggi-D, Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, Gwangju, and some other places."

Taehyung shrugged not making eye contact. "Ok. How long this time?"

Seokjin opened his mouth to answer but then he abruptly stopped making Taehyung look at him "Think about what I said and take a guess." he snapped. Taehyung rolled his eyes turning away from him. "Hopefully when I return this time you won't have anyone in our home."

Taehyung snapped his head up. "Home? What home?" he let out a bitter laugh. "Oh, you mean the apartment we share? Heh! You'd be lucky if I'm still here when you return."

Seokjin turned to him. "If you wanna leave then go ahead and leave!"

"Fine, maybe I will!" He snapped.

"Or better yet maybe I shouldn't come back!"

"I could care less either way!"

They just stared at each other and Seokjin turned away continuing to pack his clothes.

Taehyung changed into a tank top and shorts. Their eyes met as Seokjin zipped his suitcase. He walked over to Taehyung who sucked in his breath. He saw Seokjin's lips pursing as if he wanted to say something

Seokjin just sighed and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "Thanks for washing my clothes, there's money in the account if you need it."

Taehyung looked down. "Be safe during your travels."

"Thanks." He then left the apartment.

Taehyung sat on the bed and placed his hand to his cheek. His constricting heart felt so heavy. He leaned back against the headboard and buried his face into the pillow as tears fell from his eyes.

Years ago, he would have never thought his relationship with Seokjin would turn out like this.


Thirteen-year-old Taehyung sat next to Seokjin on the couch as they watched TV. He kept his hands on his laps and sat stiffly. His palms were sweaty but he always been able to keep a cool exterior. However, he felt that cool exterior fading the more he thought of how they were in Seokjin's empty house. From the moment they met, they became best friends fast but for some reason, it was different from Jimin and Jungkook. His heart began changing directions and now he was seeing his hyung differently.

Was it ok to have feelings like this? What if Seokjin thought he was weird? What if him having these feelings ruined their friendship?

Seokjin suddenly looked at him making the young teen jump.

"What?" His voice cracked a bit. Seokjin chuckled and looked back at the TV.

"Nothing." He had a smirk plastered on his face. "Nervous are we?"

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