Twenty Nine | Grand Flight of the Dragon

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It was early, just before the afternoon sun started to change the colours of sky. Behind the fortress, only two Red River monks sat in discussion—apart on their own.

Ciara, Alphonse and Magtha were waiting. Skye-voice had been mostly quiet the whole afternoon. The trio had the best spot for their view of Skye's proof. The crow hopped on the ground, searching for insects.

The grassy plateau where they sat dipped and rolled off to the distant backdrop of her wide rainbow valley with its forked silhouette of pinnacle peaks that lifted both sides. A great flightpath for Skye! Ciara marvelled, drawing Magtha's cloak closer around her. What will Skye do?

Ciara re-lived the making of rainbows with Skye, her fondest memory already in Aulde—or should her fondest be Sadie coming to her rescue, or Liv's singsongy help? I may now know the name where I'm from, but so many things have happened. This mountain also feels like a place that I know.

The three companions heard a struggling, huffing noise disturbing the peace to their right. Over the crest beside them came TJ, breathing hard from his climb. He stood for a moment surveying the scene. Then he recovered his breath and strode towards them.

"I sent runners to the other outlier camps and told them all to join us." TJ still puffed just a bit as he spoke.

Oh, no. Fourteen camps of students! I won't feel welcome in even a part of their crowd. Ciara dreaded the thought.

"—Don't want them to miss what unfolds here tonight." TJ sat with a grin and a groan.

But Ciara was worried. I can't stay, here. Facing the Council is nothing compared to facing these fledgling magicians. How do I leave before they can get here? I don't see how I could. I'd let Skye-Voice down— What should I do?

She looked to one side and saw Alphonse on his stomach throwing grass seeds to the crow. On the other side, sat Magtha pulling her robe-covered knees towards her plump chest. She rocked in contentment with the world's biggest smile. I've already made some friends, Ciara thought. No matter what this takes, I want to be part of this evening for Skye.

"Ylva's coming, too, I should think. Liv isn't back," TJ relayed.

I guess I do know people here. Alphonse has learned how to fit in, I'm sure. But he has a secret. I wish my secret was better than 'noticing things' or the loss of my home. If I'm going to be at this school, I guess they'll have to get used to just what I am.

Slowly, a magi or two at a time, other monks, then Robasaille gradually joined them. Pinks, mauves, and yellows colored the sky between far crags of rock. Muffled voices of wonder set up a tone—their world was as grand as the sky. Feeling the aura of companionship and the warmth of the day, they all chatted together; the Heart of the World beat softly through all.

Time passed in gentle waves. At last, there were noises of babbling hikers arriving below. Ciara was unable to see from her seat in the grass, but she swallowed—nervous, unsure.

"Some of the others have decided to stake out their spots where the fields meet the mountains, much closer to the farthest outlier camps," TJ said to Alphonse. And soon, five full circles of students began filling the field on the mountainside—one fresh-cheeked group after the other. More gathered below the rim.

"You were right." TJ grabbed the moment to relay to Ciara, "The pen was right where you said it would be."

"I told you—?"

"You were speaking—less conscious— I think you were still in a trance. But you clearly explained where the pen was and Robesaille shared that with me, so I took some time to investigate. I had to, since, it was you who had come up with the theory. I had to trust that you'd noticed some sort of a clue."

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