Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

*Author's P.O.V*

Explain right now.

Are you sure you
wasn't a dog in a
past life?

I just want an explanation.

I mean it's pretty
self explanatory.

I know you and Niall
are over cause he
won't stop whining
about it. I'm talking
about something

I'm only talking
about the breakup.

Did you kill him for

I'm a lot of things but
I refuse to be a murder.

Harry please. He's not
answering any of my
calls or text messages

Ohhhh that. Yeah I
don't know what
that's about.

Oh ok. If you find
anything let me

That's it? You're just
gonna stop bothering
me about him?

Yeah. You said you
don't know anything
so I shouldn't waste
my time talking to you.

Wow. You're no fun.

I'm confused.

I called the police
right after y'all robbed
me and turns out they
were tracking you guys
for a while but didn't
have any solid leads.
I tipped them off that
it was Niall the moment
he let it slip that he knew
what collar I was wearing
during the robbery. They
then hired me to be an
informative so they could
have some evidence to
bring him down. I started
to like him so I didn't turn
over my evidence but then
I found out he killed my
parents and I turned it in
after my final talk with him
and I assume since you can't
get in contact with him they
must have him arrested like
they should.

This is why he should
have listened to me
because your emotional
ass was gonna get him in
trouble at some point.

He brought all of this
on himself. I mean what
did he think would
happen? I'll just shrug
my shoulders and go on
with my life?

You better sleep with
one eye open.

I have no feelings
toward you so I will
shoot you on sight if
you try anything.

It's cute that you think
that you'll be able to see
me coming. Niall may
fight dirty but I actually
kill and I don't do it in a
quick way. You will suffer.

My god you bitch a
lot. Get it through
your head that you
don't scare me.

I don't need you to
be. I just need you
to be dead.

We both know that's
not going to happen.

You know what I
won't be killing you.

I see you learned
your lesson.

I'll let him do it.

Wait who?

So long Harry.😏

You're bluffing.
Answer me!
You know what
run away like the
pussy you are then.




Thoughts??? Predictions???


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