Chapter 26: She

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Fury drew his gun, pointing it at Yon-Rogg. Even though he had never met the man, he still hated him because of everything we had told him on this mission. But Minn-Erva was sharp as always and pointed her own rifle at him, gesturing Fury to put his down. The rest of his team held the rest of us at gunpoint, threatening to shoot us when we made a wrong move. 

Carol was still standing next to the pinball machine, the game forgotten and her whole posture rigid with hatred, hands lit up with power. I was not much different, standing in front of Fury and Maria, trying to protect them in some way. My fists were clenched at my sides and I had to stop my teeth from grinding together.

Yon threw Goose at my feet, looking at me with more disgust than he already did on Hala. He really hated my guts now. 'What did you do to your uniform?', he asked me. I didn't answer, just gave him a look that would kill him if it could. 

'They got in their heads. Just like we thought', Minn-Erva spoke. She meant the Skrull simulation they had warned Carol about. They still thought it was all Skrull talk that convinced us and not the fact that they were backstabbing liars.

Korath spoke up from the other side of the room, where he had his two swords pointed at the innocent Skrulls that were clinging together, afraid. 'The Supreme Intelligence will set them straight.'

'You can see they're not soldiers, let them go. You can have me', Talos offered. 

'And the core?' Yon had already seen that it was gone and knew quickly who must have taken it. He turned a little to say his words to Carol, knowing she was the key to everything here. She was leading this mission and he knew it, so she must have the core. But Carol just shook her head at him, not planning on giving it away.

'You lied to me. To us', she had trouble hiding the anger in her voice.

Yon-Rogg nearly rolled his eyes 'I made you a better version of yourself.' At this point, Carol's hands started to flicker, the power slowly dying out. I looked at her worried and realized the tab behind her ear must have gone out, leaving her with no way to control the energy. 'What's given can be taken away', he said smugly.

I practically growled at him, but Carol beat me to it, trying to put Yon down without the use of her powers. I knew she couldn't do that, even though she was a good fighter. Yon had been fighting ever since he was a kid and he had taught her everything she knows, making her moves predictable. 

He easily dodged her fist and used his own to slam her down to the ground. I made my way over to her hurryingly, but Minn-Erva blasted me with her gun before I could set my second step. Hitting me in my right shoulder to hard, it caused me to fall over. 

Maria tried to help me and Carol but Fury stopped her from getting in harms way too. I tried getting up, but my shoulder hurt so bad my head was spinning. There was nothing I could do but watch when Yon now held Carol's head up with his little gravity-tech-thingy. She looked at me concerned from the corner of her eyes, more worried about me than herself. 

This, unfortunately, didn't go unnoticed by the man. Looking down from Carol to me, and back, a knowing look suddenly appeared in his eyes. He had figured us out. He wasn't surprised, more like he had his suspicions and they were just confirmed. 

'I knew it. There was always a weird vibe between you two. How long has this been going on?', he asked disgusted and angry.

I coughed when I spoke up, trying to sound confident and happy it kind of did. 'That's none of your business.'

'It is when my Soldier is having a forbidden relationship with one of Hala's best Commanders.'

My laugh came out jolty and faint, but it was there. 'I'm honored, really', I joked with him. It was a bad idea, because it only made him angrier. Around me, the Skrulls were mistreated by the Kree soldiers and Att-Lass had taken the lunchbox with Tesseract from Maria, who was now handcuffed. 

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