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It was 2:11 am on October 25th when I woke up, unable to move or to see where I am, or even where I was which is weird, I tried to analyze the situation. I always analyze things or situations when I am not certain what happened after I wake up. I do this because I always forget things. This place wherever it is, is cold, dead cold like I'm inside of a Giant freezer. The only thing I feel is the coldness under my feet. My hands feels a little bit numb due to the straps wrapped on both of them. Im not sitting or lying down, now Im wondering how did I found out the exact time and date when I cant even see a damn thing and why am I standing tied on this cold room or whatever this is. Where am I? Where was I? How long have I been here? Those questions need answers, I thought. That's when I heard a voice, a very soft and cold voice inside my head..

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