Devourer God

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Some Gods/Half-Gods are known to eat other Gods. Some for their own Godly fantasies and some, well, some are for "fun" and theyre the most despisable of all. Imagine being eaten alive by a God just because they're bored? Scary and disgusting at the same time right?

"One, two, three more steps and everything will end. One, two, three more steps and I shall eat you, lowly human"  on the edge of some building around Zeb stands a teenage girl, probably 18 or 19 with a short golden hair that looks like the rays of the Morning Sun and shines like the brightest stars at night, playfully holding a man on his feet , barely at his 30's, like a rag doll. " I love you, I really love y-you" the man said to the girl which sounded more like a whisper through the noise of passing cars below them.

"You know, I used to devour Gods too, but I got bored. Thats why I came down here in your world, now Im starting to get bored again (sighs)"

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