Encounters- Part 2

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I tried to reach my chest, hoping to relieve the pain and lack of breathe but it was no use, Im running out of breath and the pain inside my head was so agonizing and painful to bear. Somehow I was able to lift my head up to look around and a mile away I saw a man, quite tall and maybe older than me, running fast with something on his hands which I cant make out, probably a gun or something to help me out, either way Im getting a bad feeling as he's coming closer. "Relax, clear your mind Yahiro it's fine" I heard the girl's voice once again, I wondered who's this girl that's talking to me this whole time but at this point, it's pointless. So I tried to stand up instead, thinking maybe the voice was my only means of escape here, this place really gives me literally the chills. I need to get out here as fast as I can. Yahiro think, running would be a good idea but im too exhausted to even stand or walk, not to mention the pain inside my head is not dissimating and it's very distracting. "Why not fly?" the voice suggested to me. "Yeah just like I did awhile go right? like how did I do that anyway?" I replied. Running slowly while trying not to stumble is a very hard task, especially when.. "Stop right there, E-47!!" the man said whose just a few feet away from me now..

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