{9} BoNfIrE

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Chapter 8: Bonfire

Chapter 8: Bonfire

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"Hey, Li. Wake up, we got school." I didn't get much sleep because he kept having nightmares and because his printer kept going off.

"Hey, goodmorning, Love. I feel horrible, I kept you up, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. You're my boyfriend, so it's kinda my job to be here for you." I told him as I got up to get dressed. "Can I borrow one of your hoodies?"

"Of course, babe." I took off his shirt I slept in and threw on a crop top and then his lacrosse hoodie and then my jeans. "Mmmh, I love you." I felt his hand snake around my stomach and his head in the crook of my neck before kissing it. It felt like a chill going down my back. I turned around to face him throwing my arms around his neck.

"I love you, too. You mean everything to me." I told him in a baby voice.

"Not gonna lie that was hot. But we have to get to school. Come on."


"A baby." I turned around at the nickname.

"Olive!" I yelled as I ran to her. "Thank god you're back. We have so much to talk about."

"Oh yes we do. Let's start with him... and the hoodie." I laughed as I looked behind me to see Li walking over.

"Right. A lot has happened."

"Oh, more werewolves stuff?"

"She knows?" I looked behind me.

"Yes, and Scott knows. He saved Liv's life... not the same way, but yeah." He nodded.

"It's not happening right now, but if it does I'll let you know, okay?"

"Okay. I love you. I'll see you later." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Promise you'll come straight to me?"

"I promise, babe. I love you too." The sound of the bell cut us off. "Bye." He gave me a kiss before running off.

"Oh we're definitely starting with Dunbar." I laughed at her as we headed to class filling her in on everything she missed.


"Liam!" I heard Mase yell. I quickly ran over to them dragging Liv. "Hey, Liv, A. Am I gonna see y'all at the bonfire tonight? Uh... "

"I'm thinking about skipping it." I looked at him for a second, he was looking everywhere but at us. It's happening.

"I was gonna go with Liv. Li, you okay?" He nodded his head at me, he gave me a look before he shook his head once no.

"Oh hell yeah, I'm going. I get to drink under-age."

"You're not skipping." Mase told Li after laughing at Liv.

Broken -Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now