~ Chapter 16 ~

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The company waited in anticipation for an attack to happen, however what they didn't expect was a man and a sled pulled by rabbits bursting through the bushes screaming "Thieves! Fire! Murder!" The man seemed to yell out to no one, before stopping meters away from them. An awkward silence settled in the air as the company stared at the newcomer confused, they were unsure whether or not the strange man in front of them was a threat or not.

"Radagast! Radagast the brown" Gandalf spoke up, pushing his way through the dwarves to get to his friend "What on earth are you doing here?" He questioned.

Eleanor realised this was the wizard Gandalf was talking about, the one that loved to be surrounded by nature. Eleanor's eyes ran over the wizard, he was a little smaller in height them Gandalf, he had shoulder length brown hair with bird poo mixed within it. Radagast also had grey eyebrows and a long grey beard which also contains bird poo. Eleanor wondered if it was a wizard thing to have a beard, just like the dwarves have braids in their hair and beards. He also worn a rather dirty brown robe and a blue hat that sat a top of his head.

"I was looking for you Gandalf" Radagast says, his voice shook a little, Eleanors studies the brown wizard as he moved closer to Gandalf. If Eleanor didn't know any better she would of thought that Radagast was scared of something "Something's wrong" He utters out in fear "Something's terribly wrong"

Just like Eleanor, Gandalf studies his fellow wizard and picked up the fear that Radagast was trying to hide in front of the company. Gandalf moves closer to his friend so they were standing meters apart "Yes" Gandalf says urging him to continue but Radagast remains silent. Eleanor watches in amusement as the brown wizard opens and closes his mouth a few times, he looks on lost in thought; like he was trying to remember what he needed to tell Gandalf. "Um" He whispers to himself "Just give me a minute" Radagast tells Gandalf, trying to rack him brain for any answers on why he was here "Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it" The company watch the wizard in disbelief, some of them couldn't actually believe this fellow was a wizard, he seemed kind of crazy. Radagast sighs in annoyance "It was right there" He protested "Right on the tip of my tongue" Radagast mutters out, opening his mouth, and to Eleanor's surprise their was an stick insect in Radagast's mouth.

"Definitely not like Gandalf" Eleanor says to herself as she watches Gandalf pull a stick insect out of the brown wizards mouth. It was then that the pair moved away from the company to talk. The company watch the pair; curiously wondering what the wizards could be talking about and why Radagast needed to find Gandalf.

Eleanor froze in her spot as a new scent was picked up, it defiantly wasn't another troll but the scent was still foul, turning her head slightly she frantically looks around "Is everything ok my dear?" Balin asks the shifter with concern, the older dwarf made a move towards Eleanor as soon as he noticed her looking alert.

"I'm not sure" She replies, focusing on her senses "I caught another scent" Eleanor says looking to Balin, she felt the fear in her small body, something just wasn't sitting right with this scent.

"Do you think we are in danger?" Balin asks the lass in all seriousness, if Eleanor believed the scent was something dangerous the older dwarf was going to have to try and convince Thorin of the threat, without saying that the cat had picked up a scent and told him.

Eleanor goes to answer but once again froze as her instinct to flee became stronger, her eyes widen as she sniffed the air again, whatever it was it was close but where? A minute later a howl is heard in the distance "Was that a wolf?" Bilbo squeaks out "Are there wolves out there?" Eleanor turns her attention to her brother, he was scared as was she. She moves closer to her brother but kept glancing at there surrounding for a sudden attack. Eleanor knew for sure it wasn't a wolf; the howl was different, this isn't going to end well, maybe it's time to unleash her secret; who cares what the dwarves will think. It is for their safety after all.

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