•{Chapter 15}•

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Angels and Spiders

In spite of Angel Dust's warning to her that he came from a mob family, Harlene had insisted on coming along anyway in order to keep him as relaxed as possible. Inwardly, Harlene had vowed to herself that she would protect Angel Dust no matter what, even if she had to force herself to face her own fears so that she could use her cryokinesis. She refused to let the friend she'd grown to cherish like a silly brother be harmed.
Yet, that silliness had been lost ever since Angel Dust had read the letter his brother, Arackniss, had included with the nice pair of boots he'd gotten him for his birthday. Currently, the Angel Dust that Harlene had come to know was gone, replaced by a shell of a boy who had been tortured by his father for the crime of being himself. Even Husk, who had reluctantly offered to drive them to Angel Dust's house, had noticed. It was a first for Harlene to see Husk so concerned for another being. He knew better than anyone what Angel Dust was like, since he was always flirted with by him, but the spider-like demon hadn't even spoken the entire journey. He'd even doodled a map with the directions so that he wouldn't have to talk. Forlorn, Angel Dust was staring out the window with nothing but dread in his optics.

"I'll be waiting for you two in the car, alright?" Husk muttered to Harlene, who was sat in the passenger seat beside the wheel. "If things turn to as much of a shit show as Angel's making it out to be, get in and I'll get you both the fuck out of here." He tapped his claws against the wheel irritatedly. "Niffty sure would hate this place. It's a fucking dump."

Husk was right. Litter was cluttering the streets here more than in the more popular side of the city. A few demons were sulking in the shadows, smoking with ease as if they were used to the feeling of tar in their lungs. Noticeably, the demons carried guns in their pockets, and some of the broad shouldered ones wore fedoras. There was a lack of women in the area, making Harlene feel even more uncomfortable than she already was.
She couldn't help thinking that Alastor definitely wouldn't want her here. Harlene had begun to regret choosing not to tell him where she'd gone off to by leaving a note. A dumb move on her part because Alastor was the most powerful demon she knew who would be able to defend her if she was unable to use her own abilities to protect Angel Dust, Husk, or even herself.

As the silver car came to a stop outside Angel Dust's family home, Husk's eyebrows raised and he exclaimed, "What the fuck is that?"

Leaning forwards to see what Husk was looking up at, Harlene's eyes widened as the red sky appeared to part to let a white beam of light strike through and connect to the ground outside Angel Dust's house. Angel Dust noticed this and rushed out of the vehicle, a smile on his face. On the other hand, Husk and Harlene were struck with fear as the only time the sky would contain white holes would be during the exterminations when the exterminators would race down from Heaven to slaughter a portion of Hell's population. Harlene was afraid she would have to actually fight the exterminators for the first time in order to protect her friends.
However, rather than an exterminator, a spider-like figure appeared once the light vanished. Her colours strongly resembled Angel Dust's, while she had four arms and four legs. She had three pink dots underneath her fluttery eyes and a chest just as poofy as Angel Dust's, but she also had wider hips. Her voluminous hair, supported by a pink hairband, flowed behind her. She was dressed in a double shoulder-padded suit with sleeves that extended to the palms of her upper set of hands as well as striped gloves that reached up her lower set of arms. Her thigh-high boots were striped too.


An excited gasp escaped her as Angel Dust rushed over, where she instantly hugged him, "Angie! I'm so happy you were able to come!" she cheered.

"I'm the one who's been blessed," Angel Dust joked, then pulled away once the nerves resurfaced. He glanced back towards the car and gestured for Harlene to come over, so she warily stepped out after thanking Husk for the drive and came to stand beside her friend. "Molly, meet Snowflake. Snowflake, meet Molly, my twin sister."

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