•{Chapter 22}•

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An Invitation

By midnight, all of the guests had left, including Holter. Angel Dust was nowhere to be seen, and Harlene could only guess why. As a matter of fact, Alastor and Husk had disappeared too. Perhaps that was the reason behind the other demons leaving so early, since drinks were no longer being served. Because the guests were leaving, Mimzy had stopped singing and was packing up her musical equipment with her colleagues. Every so often, she glanced over at where Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty were speaking to two demons that Harlene recognised from earlier that night.
Wanting to ask her what was on her mind and thank her for her service, as well as apologise to her after having seen the envy in her eyes the night of her birthday because Harlene had clearly gotten in the way between her and Alastor, Harlene crossed the room to where the stage had been set up. Holding her hands behind her back, Harlene leaned to one side curiously as she stood behind Mimzy.

"Thank you for singing for the hotel tonight," Harlene said, making Mimzy jump as she spun around to face her, realising that the bleached white demon was slightly taller than her.

Mimzy awkwardly crossed her arms, averting her eyes from Harlene's guiltily. "No need. I was only doin' what I love," she muttered dismissively.

"Yes, and wonderfully," Harlene smiled, straightening her back while continuing to gaze down at Mimzy with a hopeful look in her eyes. "I was actually hoping I could apologise."

"What?" Mimzy spat in disbelief, staring back up at Harlene. "Ya serious? I'm the one who should be apologising."

"For what?"

"Ya really haven't figured it out?" Mimzy scoffed, then rolled her eyes. "I was the one who took all those photos of you and Al and sent 'em to 666 News."

Harlene widened her eyes and stammered, "W-What? Why would you-?"

"He wouldn't stop talkin' about you!" Mimzy snapped. "Every time Al came to my club after he joined this hotel, you were all he talked about. I couldn't take it no more and, well, did something close to what got me a one way ticket to Hell in the first place. I put ya in danger with the hopes that an overlord would remove you from Al's life, and then things would return to normal, to the way it was before he met ya. But now, I've been proven wrong. You clearly don't love him back, so he'll get over ya eventually and be mine again." She then laughed and waved her gloved hand in farewell at Harlene as she strutted by to regroup with her band. "Dancin' with The Huntsman sure was a good way to make it clear to 'im, buttercup. Thanks for givin' him back, and I'm sorry for readin' ya wrong. See ya!"

Motionless, Harlene didn't turn to watch Mimzy exit the hotel. She felt her knees tremble underneath her weight and inhaled a sharp breath. Desperate not to have a breakdown, Harlene searched for a way to distract herself and headed over to where Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty were still conversing with the two demons that she'd seen previously during the dance. One of them had been dancing with Niffty while the other had been bickering with Husk. Maybe speaking with her friends would serve as a good distraction from what she'd just learned. She didn't want to risk sending the hotel crumbling to the ground after all.

The anglerfish-like demon (who had been dancing with Niffty) had a blue-gray skin tone and fins on the sides of his head that shared the same hue. He had three cyan freckles dotted on each side of his face, located underneath his eyes, which consisted of cyan scleras and bright red irises, while he also had dark blue eyelids - the same colour as his hair. On that note, his hair was short and swept backwards, painted with gray streaks running through it alongside cyan spots. His pointed teeth were also cyan, and as he spoke to Niffty in particular, his mouth curled at the edges when he grinned. He had goggles on his face, which had a light red frame and pastel yellow lenses. He wore a dark gray laboratory suit with pastel yellow buttons, a small gray hat with an esca attached to it that projected a faint yellow light - and there are two cyan stripes above it, as well as even darker gray gloves and boots. He was short, but taller than Niffty.
The other demon, who resembled a canine of sorts, seemed rather young - perhaps she was teenager. Her fur was mainly white with countless red spots, which was fluffy - especially at her cheeks. Her right leg, nose, ears and left forearm were marked a dark reddish-brown. The inner parts of her ears were purely red. She had lots of red freckles under her eyes, which had light orange scleras and hot pink irises. She has voluminous blonde hair, dyed red at the ends, and a very thick tail, where the upper section had been dyed too. She wore a black spiked collar and was dressed in a bright red tunic with a printed skull along with a brown, unbuttoned sweatshirt with torn sleeves.

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