•{Chapter 18}•

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A Spider Is A Demoness' Best Friend

Why did I do that?

Ever since the night Harlene made her feelings known to Alastor and headed back to the hotel, she hadn't once left her room. Presently, it was the morning of her birthday. She should've felt excitement, anything, knowing that she would finally be able to spend her birthday with friends, but Harlene was miserable. All Harlene had the energy for was laying in her bed, staring at the ceiling blankly and letting her thoughts surge in deafening storms throughout her head. If anyone had knocked, she wouldn't have heard them. Her mind had a habit of devouring all her senses.

I never should've told him. I never should've said a thing. Our relationship will never be the same now.

Without any warning, the door to Harlene's hotel room flung open, breaking the lock and sending it flying to the carpeted floor. The sudden shine of light from the hallway caught Harlene's attention and warped her out of her mind. In fright, she sat up in her bed, her hair tangled and sticking out at all ends. Yet, the three demons who'd just burst into her room didn't appear to care how unkempt she looked.

"Happy birthday, you beautiful bitch!" Angel Dust exclaimed, setting off the party poppers he was holding in all six of his hands before dropping them and letting the third pair of arms retract into his body.

"We are so, so sorry, Harley. Vaggie and I tried to convince Angel to wait for you to come out in your own time, but when I accidentally told him it was your birthday..." Charlie rubbed the back of her neck shamefully. "Well, you get the picture. We're sorry."

Much to Harlene's sorrow, the melancholy in her eyes seemed to affect the three demons who'd barged into her room unannounced. She wasn't mad at them; they had a right to be worried, especially Charlie, since Charlie knew that Harlene didn't have the best state of mind. Plus, who was she to tell them not to celebrate her birthday? She'd never had friends to celebrate it with when she was alive, so why would she be ungrateful?
Although, the knowledge that her friends really did care didn't return the gleam in Harlene's eyes. Harlene didn't feel like doing anything. She didn't think she deserved to have fun on her birthday when her own baby hadn't even lived to experience his first. On top of that, Harlene knew she'd ruined everything with Alastor. She could still remember how Alastor wouldn't even look at her as he stepped aside to grant her the ability to exit his bedroom.
Solemnly, in response to the memory, Harlene lowered her head and curled her arms around her navel.

"No. You know what? Fuck this," Vaggie spat all of a sudden, leaving Charlie's side and coming to stand beside Harlene's bed. "What happened to you? Did he hurt you? Is that why he's been acting weirder than usual as of late?"

Harlene shook her head and uttered, "I told Alastor I love him."

Horrified and disgusted, Vaggie's mouth fell open. In the meantime, Charlie and Angel Dust shared a sideways glance, both having had a hunch that there was something deeper than friendship blooming in Harlene's relationship with the Radio Demon all along. Then, Angel Dust nodded towards the door, causing Charlie to nod back in understanding and walk over to her girlfriend to nudge her mouth shut by her chin before leading them both out of the room. They then closed the door behind themselves, even though it wasn't capable of being locked anymore, leaving Angel Dust alone with the demoness who didn't know what else to say.
Sitting down beside Harlene on the edge of her bed, Angel Dust gave her a concerned look. She simply turned her head in an effort not to meet his eyes. Frowning, Angel Dust then stood up to open up the curtains to let some light in, then returned to Harlene's side where she sat hopelessly and silently upon the bedding. Sitting next to her, Angel Dust folded an arm around her shoulders to draw her into a soothing cuddle, letting her hide her face in his fluffy chest.

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