•{Chapter 25}•

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Teenage Angst

"So, isn't that scary, being with an overlord?" Maria, the cat-like demoness with mouse-brown fur asked Harlene from the other side of the fence at the orphanage, nibbling a biscuit that Harlene had brought her.

"He's actually not an overlord after all," Harlene told her, her back leaned against the fence as they spoke. "And, no. I haven't been afraid of him for a long time. The only thing I'm worried about is how the rest of Hell will react, especially his enemies."

The orphan mewed, "Don't they already know after the news show?"

"But we were only friends then," she sighed.

Back at the hotel, there had been mixed reactions to Harlene and Alastor's relationship. For example, Husk had been shocked at first, but he'd eventually come to terms with the fact that it was bound to happen, and in general, Husk didn't really care. Crymini hadn't really cared to know either. On the other hand, Baxter had been skeptical, but Niffty had been over the moon and so had Charlie. Meanwhile, Vaggie was disturbed to say the least, and Harlene was fully aware that she didn't approve after having to diffuse her anger about it that very morning the best she could, but she'd eventually gotten tired of trying to defend her love for Alastor to the moth-like demon so much so that she felt the need to leave the hotel for a while. Naturally, Harlene had gone to the orphanage, where she would usually meet the young demon girl, who she'd recently learnt from the girl herself that she was called Maria, to talk. Expectedly however, Angel Dust had approved, since he hadn't stopped teasing her about the prospect of them having sex, which Harlene was confident wouldn't happen. Even so, Harlene was happy that she had Angel Dust's support.
For all Harlene knew, only the demons at the Happy Hotel knew that she was romantically involved with Alastor, apart from Maria of course.

"Sure. You were 'only friends'," Maria laughed tauntingly, finishing the oatmeal biscuit. "Harley, you always talked about him. What was it you said last time? Oh yeah! He has the cutest nose and he's so light that you bet you could dip him like a princess~!"

"Maria!" Harlene squealed in embarrassment.

"And he can't really tap dance, but when he tries, it's the most adorable thing ever~," she added.

"That's it. I'm going back to the hotel," Harlene whined, burying her flushed face in her hands after hopping to her feet, beginning to hurry away from the girl as she broke into howling laughter.

Maria yelled after her, "Remember, you can tell him that now!"

"Goodbye, Maria!"

Trekking through the city, taking a few breaths to vanish the colour on her complexion, Harlene made her way through the alleyways in the direction of the hotel. Harlene hoped that Vaggie had calmed down by then and that she would be able to have a nice lunch with everyone without having to relieve any tensions to do with her dating Alastor.
By the time she arrived at the entrance doors to the Happy Hotel, it was just past noon. Entering the reception, Harlene spotted Husk leaving the dining room to return to his seat behind the bar. Lunch must have already been served. She then heard a chair in the dining room scoot over the floor and footsteps sound soon afterwards. Harlene walked towards the entrance to the room just as Alastor appeared and halted in front of her. She greeted Alastor with a smile and found the colour returning to her face as he kissed her forehead adoringly.

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