•{Chapter 24}•

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The First Date

Cinnamon. Leather. Strawberries.
Each of these were assortments which Harlene breathed in when she laboriously opened her eyes to find herself in a room that didn't belong to her - in fact, it was Alastor's bedroom. Against her back, Harlene could feel Alastor's chest rising and falling as he dozed behind her and blushed when she noticed that he was hugging her passionately. She could feel his breath against her neck. He didn't snore.
Then, Harlene winced in shock. She'd just experienced the most peaceful sleep she'd ever had since she became a demon. Like the cold that she'd used to endure, her nightmares seemed to have been stopped - at least for that one night. She then attempted to wriggle out of Alastor's hold, only to squeak in surprise when she heard his laughter, muffled by the bedsheets. Harlene peeked over her shoulder at him, discovering that he was actually wide awake.

"Must we leave the bed now?" Alastor asked, drawing her closer by wrapping a leg around her hips. "I was quite enjoying your warmth."

"Good morning to you too," Harlene said with a delighted sigh, turning over to stare at his messy hair. She then glanced past him at the curtains, where red light flitted through the gaps. "It is morning, right?"

Alastor grinned, "For once, it is. Congratulations on waking up before lunch, my dearest."

"I don't know whether to thank you or throw a pillow at you for making fun of me," she whined, mirthfully folding her arms like a child.

"I have a better idea," he murmured, bringing Harlene's lips against his after letting his eyelids droop shut.

Sweetly, Harlene closed her eyes and reciprocated the affection for a couple of moments, then pulled away and began writhing around again. Alastor chuckled and finally released her, watching as she rolled out of the bed. She hopped onto her feet and stretched by rolling her upper body to one side, then the other. Then, Harlene turned to look back at him, smiling as he left the bed as well and made his way over to where he'd hung up his clothes, having brought them back with his magic too. He buttoned up his dress shirt, then clicked his fingers, making his coat teleport onto his body and then one of Harlene's dresses appear on his arm as he held it out like a washing line. She could tell that, folded amongst it, was her underwear. Not wanting to risk Alastor seeing it, Harlene rushed over to his side and snatched the clothes off of his arm, flushing awkwardly. Then she swung around and left the room, hearing Alastor chuckle as she dashed off, being smart enough to figure out why she was so embarrassed.
The hallway was gloomy, lit by dim candles contained within cages of glass. She passed two doors that had been left partly open, enough for her to peep inside. One contained a bathroom whereas the other contained a study. Not wanting to invade Alastor's privacy, Harlene slipped into the bathroom without any sort of curious desire to enter the study. Immediately, she took notice of the extravagance of the polished room. Noticing the shower, Harlene decided she needed one and undressed, putting her pyjamas on the side next to the red dress that Alastor had chosen for her. Before she stepped into the shower, Harlene flinched, wondering if Alastor was even okay with her showering in his bathroom.

"Alastor, please may I use the shower?" Harlene called out, opening up the bathroom door and peeking out while curving her body behind the door in case Alastor popped into view and saw her naked body.

Footsteps came from Alastor's study and then the door opened, revealing Alastor with a rifle in his hold. He replied, "Of course, my dearest. I'll be downstairs."

Snow Angel (Alastor x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя