Chapter 15

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"We were wrong, sir. Diablo isn't the guy we're looking for. We aren't even looking for a guy."

Nick Fury looked up to Agent Hill. "I know."

"You know? Why'd you send the-"

"If Stark knew who we were really after, Demy would as well. I can't risk her blowing this whole operation. Aside from Barnes she's told no one what happened, I intend to keep it that way. Anything else?"

"No, sir." Agent Hill started towards the door only to stop. "If Demy and Tony Stark find out about this it'll be chaos, sir? Are you really ready for that?"

Fury looked down at the file infront of him. A mugshot of a horribly deformed woman with bleached hair stared back at him.


Rosalie Jones sprinted through the streets of New York. Her tiny body was not used to this kind of work. She willed herself to run for another block before collapsing on the sidewalk. Her lungs fought for air as she tried to get off the ground.

"Are you alright?"

She looked up to see a girl with her face and white-blonde hair standing over her. The girl's blue eyes were filled with concern.

Rosalie nodded her head and managed to push herself onto her knees.

The girl knelt down and gently helped Rosalie stand. "I'm Demy Stark."

"Rosalie Jones."

Demy's eyes filled with excitement. "Rosalie Kristin Jones?" She asked.

Rosalie nodded slightly.

"We've been looking for you! You weren't in rehab when we went to get you!" Demy babbled.


"Right, sorry. My mom was Kristin Jones."

"You're my sister?" It made sense. They have nearly identical faces with the exception of the slight baby fat in Demy's.

"Yeah. Our dad is inside if you want to meet him?" Demy offered.

Rosalie nodded and followed her inside. Her whole life she'd told herself not to trust stangers and never to follow one into their home. But Demy was family. And blood is thicker than water, right?

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