Sixth meeting of Lakshmila😍 (In the hermitage & In the Mithila Palace)

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In fifth meeting, they were feeling insecurity and jealousy and they were in fear that they will be separated.

In recent part, Aparajit was impressed by her beauty and wanted to use her for his enjoy and fun. So, for that purpose, he was increasing his closeness towards Urmila. Phoolmali was showing her rights on Lakshman because she loves him.

What will happen in their Sixth meeting?

Which is further illustrated....

King Janak and Queen Sunaina wanted to invited their son -in -law Ram and his younger brother Lakshman for the dinner. They again called Urmila and said to invite them .
But this time Urmila wasn't eager to go Sage Yagyawalkya's hermitage because she doesn't want to see Prince Lakshman. But she had to go because it was her father's order.

So, she went to Sage Yagyawalkya's hermitage. She sook the blessings of Sage Yagyawalkya's, his wives and Mata Gargi.

She asked to Sage Yagyawalkya, " Where's my jijashree( sister's husband) Ram. I want to invite him for the dinner in the palace. "

Sage Yagyawalkya signed towards the hut where Ram and Lakshman live
She went to Ram's hut and called for Ram.

Ram came out from the hut.

Urmila said, " Greetings jijashree. "

Ram replied, " Greetings princess. "
and asked, " Who are you. "

Urmila replied, " I'm your future wife's younger sister Urmila. "

Ram said, "I didn't recognize you, I'm sorry. But why did you come here? Tell me. "

Urmila replied, " Jijashree, my father and mother want to invite you and your shadow for the dinner. "

Ram said, " That's great. But who is my shadow? "

Lakshman interrupted their conversation and said, " It's me bro. Thank you princess, you considered me as the shadow of Ram brother. "

Urmila became angry and said, " Why you always snoop in all matters and by the way, you are shadow of jijashree not reflection of Ram jijashree unfortunately. You get this. "

Lakshman asked, " Why did you came here, princess? "

Urmila answered, " Well I told jijashree, what is reason behind. But for your kind information, I'm here to invite you and jijashree for the dinner. "

Urmila said, " Greetings jijashree, I have to go. "

Ram replied, " Greetings princess. "

She didn't seek the greetings of Lakshman. She moved to go to the palace and she was staring Lakshman but the most important thing should be noted that she was staring him with the reflection of jealousy not as first time when she was staring Lakshman with the angerness of his behaviour.
She went to the palace and informed her mother and father.

At night, everyone were set to welcome both princes of Ayodhya.Maids and servents were throwing flowers on them and it seemed that they were bathing with the showers of flowers. All palace members greeted them. Urmila greeted Ram but not Lakshman. Lakshman was feeling neglected but he hided his emotions as Sita came towards him.

Sita and her sisters went to kitchen with their mothers to bring the delicious food for dinner. Everyone were seated on their prospective seats. Wait, we forgot about Urmila's jealousy. So she spiced lakshman food with the help of red pepper. They came to the hall with plates of food. Sita put the plate towards Ram. They were smiling slowly. Urmila put the plate in front of Lakshman with little bit of smile, so he felt some happiness.
Mandavi and Shrutikirti put the plates in front of King Kushwadwaja and King Janak.

Everyone were enjoying the delicious food, they were happy, but there was only person Lakshman who was feeling not good enough reason he was eating the food which was more spicy than anyone. He saw towards Urmila and he had known that the food was spiced by Urmila. He ate all food with joyfully. Urmila was shocked after seeing the expressions of Lakshman.

After enjoying the food, everyone went to wash their hands and came to the hall, but Lakshman was still there because he was feeling awkward. His eyes turned into red and tears were coming from his eyes.

Urmila went to see the condition of Lakshman. She asked teasingly, " Are you fine prince? "

Lakshman replied, " Yes, I'm fine princess. Nothing happened.. "

Urmila asked again, " Are you feeling awkward, please tell me. "

Lakshman replied angrily, " There is nothing, please go. I don't want to hear you. "

Urmila said curiously, " You know that I did everything, why didn't you tell this everyone? "

Lakshman took her shoulder, pushed her towards the wall and trapped her by his hands and answered, " Because I don't want that anyone scold or hurt you because it's very painful for me, But why I don't know? "

Urmila released his hands from her shoulder and put a ladoo ( an Indian sweet) in his mouth quickly and replied, " Because you feel some sweetness for me and you need some sweetness. "

She rushed from that place to her chamber with shyly smile.

Lakshman was thinking why she told this but he wasn't able to understand her word's meaning. Now he was feeling better. Ram and Lakshman both sook the permission of King Janak and Queen Sunaina and went to Sage Yagyawalkya's hermitage.

This meeting held with 75% love, 75% respect. There's no hatred but it takes place in the form of 100% jealousy .

So, how was their sixth meeting??

Could lakshman understand the words of Urmila??

Is in their seventh meeting, they will confess their immortal love or not??

To be continued................

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