The Rise of Solangelo (BOO Spoilers)

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Hello my  sunshines

Got a couple of things to inform you about today

First up I'm not one for self promotion but I know a lot of you guys voted for Jily fanfics ages ago when I did a vote. Well they are finally here, but not on wattpad! I have a account called ExplosiveCreator where I have started a fanfic called 'Marauders One Shots'. Also I have reposted Caught My Eye over there just because I can, so if you guys want to read some Jily or just give me some love head over there! However after Caught My Eye finishes I will repost the one shots over here for your convenience.

You are welcome!

Thanks for your support



As the lights come up our host is nowhere to be seen. Whispering starts up until a voice projects over the loud speaker.

"Hello audience! Today we have some very special guests, who I have decided to escort in myself. So without further ado I introduce the newest but no less the cutest couple....Solangelo!"

The door at the back opens and Aphrodite stands beaming in between two very relucant teenage boys. Will Solace is smiling nervously and Nico Di Angelo is as sultry as ever. Gasps rise as they make their way down the steps, both looking dapper in matching tuxedos.

"I appreciate you joining us today boys" Aphrodite beams at them fondly as they take their seats. "After all you have only just started dating and the Giant War took a big toll on you both and the camp. However I think this is just the event to cheer you two up!"

Nico is impassive, so Will trys for a conversation. "Well yes I know there has been a lot of contreversy around about gay couples - especially demigod gay couples - but I hope that our audience here is open enough to accept us. If our parents can you guys can."

Aphrodite winks at Nico. "And how did you turn your father around dear?"

"Well I think he was just relieved I was finally dating someone." The audience laughs, relating to the pale boy. Will reaches out and they clasp hands firmly, which makes Nico brighten up considerably.

"I'm afraid I have a confession to make" Aphrodite giggles. "Well there is no obvious problem with their relationship, but this opportunity was too good to miss!" The audience claps appreciatively.

"Well there are a couple of problems" Nico says flatly. "First up Will has serious hygiene issues. I mean you must shower after you work out!"

Everyone laughs, including Will.

"I'm sorry to say but you aren't all perfect either. How many mythomagic games with Frank do you need until you are satisfied?"

That makes Nico smile. The pair grin at each other lovingly.

"Wasn't that sweet!" Aphrodite coos. "I'm afraid our time is up but thanks for coming in you two! Come back next week and remember to vote for the next couple!"


Another thing I am nearly to 100 followers which is mind blowing for me. I am super excited so to celebrate the follower who shows most dedication (commenting, voting, etc) until I reach the mark will get a special fanfiction written especially for them which I will post as a one off thing. It can be about whatever they like as long as I know the characters well enough.

And I hoped you loved some Solangelo ;) 

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