the explanation

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"you've got a lot of explaining to do once we get inside Jessie" "o-ok uncle Davey," Jessie said as they went into Davey's apartment

Jessie's point of view

 " ok sit down while I get you something to eat," uncle Davey said as I sat down, once he came back I started to explain myself " ok basically what happened was that my mum and jo were fighting because she wanted to come here and live with grandfather but mum said no so they were having a fight and then dad stepped in and started yelling at Jo so I stepped in and yelled at him and then I told jo that we were leaving so we did and then we got on a train and came here and then I lost her in a crowd and that leads us to now" "wow that's- that's a lot I'm going to go call your dad so he knows your ok," he said moving towards the phone, "no-no-no! please don't call my dad because them mum will get worried and try to come and get me and I'm not going to cave even if I miss them" "I see you inherited your dad's stubbornness" Davey sighed "well i am the one most like him" " that you are Jessie, that you are       

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