Snyder the spider

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"papers for sale by a paper!" "sing em ta sleep why don't cha, hey give it ere junior" "what?" David said in confusion as Jessie took his last paper into her hands. "extra extra person saved from burning inferno you heard the story right here!" Jessie yelled as someone came and took the paper from her whilst giving her a dime  "you just lied!"Junior  said in worry "no I didn't I said they heard it right here and they did" "well my father taught me not to lie" "yeah and mine taught me not to starve" Jessie laughed  "anyway hows about we go get some chow and find ya somewhere for the night" completely forgetting the fact that he had a dad "no thanks dad will be waiting for dinner" "oh yeah that right you got a dad don't cha" Jessie said nervously because she forgot that he had folks "I'm sure dad won't mind if you come over?" junior said awkwardly "Nah its ok, I gotta meet a fella anyway" jessie said trying to get out of the situation " is that the guy your meeting?" junoir said as jessie looked up to see none other than Snyder "PLUMBER!" snyder shouted just as Jessie whisper yelled  "run for it!". jessie and junoir dashed up the stairs with Snyder hot on their tail, lucky they escaped him as they ran into the rafters of the backstage of the theater     

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