two girls ripped apart

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Jo's point of view 

as we went up to grandfather's office I asked him what we were doing here and he replied "I'm going to show you how to run my newspaper" "yay! I've always wanted to run a newspaper, that's actually why I came here" "oh well good then, you're getting what you wanted"     

no one's point of view 

whilst Jo and Pulitzer were walking up to the world Jo heard someone call her name "JO!" when Jo heard this she turned around to see Jessie walking over to where crutchie and her were about to begin selling their papers. "JESSIE!" they ran over to each other and hugged like they haven't seen each other in years "hey Jo! I and my friend crutchie were about to go sell some papers wanna join us?" "no um grandfather was just about to teach me the ropes of the newspaper maybe you'd like to come join me and him so you don't have to hang out with their kind," jo said in disdain "their kind? you mean dads kind?" "yes, their kind" "jo you can't be serious those are my friends!" "huh.. maybe grandfather was right. we do have different kinds of people"   

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