meeting the new kid

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Jessie's point of view

"papes for the newsies line up boys!" said miss Weisel or as we here at the newsies call her "weasel" " ill take a hundred," I say putting down my cash and moving to get my papes

" ill take twenty" I hear a new voice say as I turn around, when I see him I think to myself that he looks a lot like my uncle Davey who I haven't seen in a year " papes for the new kid" so this kid gets his papers and moves along, but after a little while says, "I asked for twenty but you gave me nineteen" so while he and weasel are arguing I take this kids papers and I count them myself. " Woah new kids right weasel you gave him nineteen, although I'm sure its an honest mistake on account of Owen not being able to count to twenty with his shoes on!" I say before Owen almost launches himself at me. o jump back before saying  "so new kid" "yeah?" "what's ya name?" "David jacobs junior" "Woah! your daveys kid!?" " Yeah, why?" " he's my uncle! my names Jessie plumber" I say as I put out my hand for him to shake "that's disgusting" "speakin of which, Jessie have you gotten a look at this headline?" "no why?" "its the trolley strike again" " oh good lord" " well I suppose I should get to work teaching ya the ropes" " whoever said I needed help?" he said quizzically " are you kiddin me! selling with Jessie is the chance of a lifetime!" "How so?" "shes the best we got!" I don't need your help and I don't need hers either" "suit your self" " alright newsies hit the streets! the sun is up, the headline stinks and none of us are  gettin any younger!"     

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