{1} Watermelon (No Ship)

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TW: mentions of crying
This isn't angst tho its actually funny
Suggested Logicality I guess???
this is superrrr short
Based on a thing I found

Hey Deceit," Roman greeted as he strolled into the living room. Deceit huffed slightly in response and Roman frowned at the unenthusiastic greeting. He flopped down on the couch next to him.
"What's up with you?" he asked. Deceit only rolled his eyes.

"It's Logan," he groaned. "Think's he's so smart all the time,"

Roman sighed. "What did he say this time?" he asked.

"He said that onions are the only food that can make you cry,"

His face turned quickly to amusement, and he snorted slightly in laughter.

"So I carved 'Patton doesn't love you' into a watermelon and threw it at him."

"What happened?"

"He's still crying in the toilet."

Roman felt kinda bad for laughing.

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