{4} Gunshot (Analogical)

172 3 14

Ship: analogical, background royality

Tw: gunshots, blood, major character death, crying, screaming, swearing, Logan has a breakdown

Word count: 1257

ik the start is kind of shit just bare with me

Human au

It was when Logan heard the gunshot that he knew something was horribly wrong.

Normally, since America is a hot fucking mess in the authors humble opinion, the occasional gunshot was worrying, yes, but nothing too out of the ordinary. But Logan felt in his stomach that something wasn't right. He pulled out his phone, quickly calling his fiance Virgil.

The phone rang, as just as it was about to go to voicemail, Virgil picked up. "Virgil?" Logan asked. There was silence for a moment.

"Logan..." his voice was alarmingly weak. "Come... Alleyway behind our apartment,"

"Virgil? What's going on!?" Logan asked, panicked at the weak tone in his voice, already getting up and moving towards the door.

"Just hurry..."

The phone went dead. Logan practically sprinted out of the building, the panic rising inside of him.

When Logan saw Virgil, sprawled on the ground, blood everywhere, his heart stopped. His head spun as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing in front of him. He stumbled forward, feeling as if the air had been sucked from his lungs, he couldn't breath, he couldn't think as he dropped to his knees infront of Virgil.

Tears instantly spilled down his cheeks, a broken, choked sob escaping him as he moved his one of his shaking hands to press against the bullet wound in Virgil's stomach, the other to reach for his phone, pressing the emergency call button and calling the police, then telling Patton and Roman to come, and to hurry. "L-Logan," Virgil said weakly. Pain laced his every word, his voice weak. Logans attention was immediately on Virgil, applying pressure to the wound.

"You're going to be o-okay, V-" Logan lied, voice and hands trembling violently. Virgil shook his head.
"No... No I'm not," he whispered.

"Yes you are! D-don't say that!" he pleaded desperately. "Stay alive, V, come on,"
Emotions swirled inside Logan. Fear, denial, panic. It was all to much as he let out another choked sob. Virgil's blood had soaked through his hoodie, leaking between his fingers, coating his hands. Logan applied pressure desperately to the wound. He saw Virgil's eyes fluttering and his breathing quickened.

"Virgil, love, don't you dare close your eyes," Logan pleaded. Despite the obvious state of pain he was in, Virgil smiled weakly. "There's nothing you can do, Lo," he said shakily.

"Aren't- aren't you scared?" Logan asked, his tears splattering down onto Virgil's chest. Virgil huffed slightly, in something that could have been a laugh. "Of- of course I am, you idiot," he said, tears building in his own eyes. Virgil was clearly in a lot of pain, every word took a great deal out of him, but he kept speaking. "But there's nothing- nothing you can do, it's too...too late," he whispered.

Logan shook his head. "No... No no no," he whispered. "I can't lose you," he said softly. "I know..." Virgil replied weakly. His breathing laboured, forcing himself to breathe, to stay alive. He was so tired... His eyelids where heavy, he could barely keep his head up. Logan tried to subdue his tears but he just couldn't, clutching Virgil close to him with a sob.
"I'm sorry," Logan whispered, voice breaking. "Oh god, Virgil, I'm so sorry."

"What for?" Virgil asked, reaching up a hand, which his boyfriend quickly took in his own, shaking hand.
"I-I heard the gunshot! If I had just come down here I could have saved you!" Logan said, breathing shallowing, bordering on hyperventilation. Virgil's breathing was weak and ragged, every breath draining his strength. He shook his head weakly, Logan moving one trembling, blood caked hand into his hair, running his fingers through it. "No, Lo, please don't think like that. It's not your fault," he whispered. Logan stayed silent shaking his head. "I'm bleeding on you," he mumbled weakly. Logan just shook his head more. "No, it's okay, baby, stay alive, the ambulance and Roman and Patton will be here in a few minutes," Logan pleaded desperately.


"Y-yes, V?"

"Can you... Tell Roman and Patton I hope their wedding goes well?" he asked hoarsely. Oh god, the wedding. Virgil was Patton's best man, it was only a week away.

"You're not going to die, Virgil, tell them yourself," he whispered. But he knew he was lying. Virgil had lost so much blood. Too much blood. It was on the sidewalk, all over Virgil's torso, staining through his hoodie, coating Logans hands.

Virgil reached a shaking hand into his pocket, ignoring Logans protests, pulling a small, velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it, and Logans breath stuck in his throat.

An engagement ring.

They'd been going out for a fancy dinner later that day. Virgil hadn't said why.

"Oh god... Virgil, Virgil no you can't- not now," Logan pleaded, his entire body trembling as he met his boyfriends gaze. His would-be fiancé's gaze.
Logan shook his head and Virgil pressed the box into his hand. "Keep.. It," he mumbled. He voice was growing weaker by the second.

Logan held the box tightly. His hand moved to Virgil's heart, his blood freezing when he could barely feel it. It was beating so slowly. Virgil had gone sickly pale. "How much pain are you in?" he asked, voice weak.

"None," Virgil rasped. "Gone numb..." he trailed off, and Logan moved a hand to his cheek. "Don't close your eyes," he repeated desperately, voice cracking again. Virgil looked up at him, eyes glassy, moving a hand to the one on his face.

Oh god. The ambulance wasn't going to get here in time. He couldn't even here sirens. It was too late, they wouldn't be able to save him. Virgil had lost so much blood.

"Kiss me," Virgil rasped weakly. "W-what?" Logan asked. Even in his frail, fragile state, Virgil managed to roll his eyes. "Kiss me, please, you dork," he whispered.

Despite the face that this was very unlike Virgil, to request something like this, Logan didn't hesitate, bending down and kissing his boyfriend gently. Salt from their tears mixed with the taste of blood on Virgil's lips but Logan kissed him anyway, one of Virgil's hand holding weakly to his shirt, closing his eyes.

Logan felt him stop breathing. His lips went slack and his hand went limp, dropping from his shirt. Logan cradled his head in his lap with a sob. He kissed him again, not caring that his boyfriend didn't kiss back. Logan sobbed, gripping his body tightly as the world spun around him.


Logan had to be ripped away from his boyfriend.

Restrained by Patton and Roman, both of whom where sobbing, as Logan screamed for his boyfriend.

"Virgil! No, no! You can't take him away from me!"

He was in hysterics, his cheeks burning with tears, voice giving out as he struggled wildly against his two friends. Watching Virgil being put in the body bag was another level of pain. Logan fought to free himself but his muscles gave out, as Patton sobbed while holding him back. Logan still had the ring box clutched in his hand, knuckles white around it as he screamed. He screamed until his vocal cords felt like they where snapping as he couldn't scream anymore.

And when he couldn't scream, he went silent.

Very, very silent.

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